FishyW / engine

boring stuff nothin to see here
MIT License
0 stars 0 forks source link


Engine pet project... Hopefully some progress can be made :(


To install, install the Tauri prerequisites from the Tauri prerequsites page. Also install wasm pack using cargo install wasm-pack since the engine uses wasm pack to compile the Rust project scripts.

This project uses go-task as a task runner to build the project files. Think of go-task as the modern version of make. Install go-task here. Then, if you want alias task with go-task using the linux alias command, alias task="go-task".

Run task dev to preview the app. Run task build to build the app. To preview the library, run task lib:dev. Run task lib:build to build the Rust project files (and prepare it for library preview). To watch the project Rust files (and library Rust files) run task lib:watch. To watch both Rust files and Svelte files in library/web, run task lib:watch-all.

One final thing to do is to add your path.ts file which is used to provide the engine with type definitions for your wasm scripts. path.ts should be added to the src/lib/ directory. Check the file in that directory for more details.

Project Navigation

The engine library files (engine-lib) are stored inside of the library directory. A sample project folder used for testing purposes is available inside of the project directory. To test a game without the use of the game engine (effectively you're only viewing the scene view), running task lib:dev will host a preview of the game inside of localhost. The relevant files used to preview this game is under library/web. You can also think of the files in library/web as a simple template project that will eventually be used by the builder.

Finally, the src directory contains Sveltekit (frontend) files used by Tauri and the src-tauri directory contains the Tauri Rust (backend) files. The tauri config file can be found in src-tauri/tauri.conf.json.

Hiding Files

Also, due to the sheer amount of files the project directory, I recommend getting the Toggle Excluded Files extension to toggle/untoggle excluded files. Note you can toggle excluded files using a shortcut (Ctrl + Shift + A) or by clicking on the eye icon on top of the file explorer side bar.

Then inside of your .vscode/settings.json file put this in,

    "files.exclude": {
        "**/.[^g]*": true,
        "**/.g[^i]*": true,
        "**/node_modules": true,
        "**/vite.config.ts.timestamp-*": true,
        "**/*.lock": true,
        "**/target": true

Note that the two lines starting with "**/." exclude .gitignore from the exclude list.