Fitpolo / FitpoloDemo_H701_Android

This demo include Fitpolo SDK_H701
3 stars 2 forks source link

1.Import and use SDK

1.1 import "module" project "fitpolosupport"

1.2 settings"settings.gradle",reference "fitpolosupport" project:

include ':app',':fitpolosupport'

1.3 Edit the 'build.gradle' in the main project:

dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
    implementation project(path: ':fitpolosupport')

1.4 import the SDK when initiating:

public class BaseApplication extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {
        // init

2.Function Introduction

2.1 startScanDevice

@Description scan device
public void startScanDevice(final MokoScanDeviceCallback callback) {}

callback functionMokoScanDeviceCallback

@Description scan device callback
public interface ScanDeviceCallback {
    @Description start scan
    void onStartScan();
    @Description scan device
    void onScanDevice(BleDevice device);
    @Description stop scan
    void onStopScan();

2.2 createBluetoothGatt

@Description pair device
public void connDevice(Context context, String address, MokoConnStateCallback mokoConnStateCallback) {}

incoming parameters:

  1. context.

  2. Device MAC Address.

  3. callback functionMokoConnStateCallback

    @Description Front display connection callback public interface MokoConnStateCallback { @Description connection succeed void onConnectSuccess(); @Description disconnect void onDisConnected(); @Description Reconnection timeout void onConnTimeout(int reConnCount); }

2.3 setOpenReConnect

@Description set re-connect
public void setOpenReConnect(boolean openReConnect){}

2.4 sendOrder

@Description //send order
public void sendOrder(OrderTask... orderTasks){}

Abstract class order, including order enumeration, command response callback, command response results

public abstract class OrderTask {
    public OrderType orderType;
    public OrderEnum order;
    public MokoOrderTaskCallback callback;
    public OrderTaskResponse response;
  1. OrderType

    public enum OrderType implements Serializable {
        NOTIFY("NOTIFY", "0000ffc2-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"),
        WRITE("WRITE", "0000ffc1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"),
        private String uuid;
        private String name;
        OrderType(String name, String uuid) {
   = name;
            this.uuid = uuid;
        public String getUuid() {
            return uuid;
        public String getName() {
            return name;
    • Command types: each command belong one type, the current H701 only have notification and write two types, notification type only could be sent after connecte with the device, open the device notifications, the rest of the command can send to the device to receive reply by writing type
  2. OrderEnum

    public enum OrderEnum implements Serializable {
        getInnerVersion("Get the internal version", 0x09),
        setSystemTime("set the bracelet time" , 0x11),
        setUserInfo("set user profile" , 0x12),
        setBandAlarm("set alarm data", 0x26),
        private String orderName;
        private int orderHeader;
        OrderEnum(String orderName, int orderHeader) {
            this.orderName = orderName;
            this.orderHeader = orderHeader;
        public int getOrderHeader() {
            return orderHeader;
        public String getOrderName() {
            return orderName;
    • orderName: order name;
    • orderHeader: distinguish order header;
      • Different orders for different enumerated types, when performing multiple orders, according to the type to judge which command response
  3. MokoOrderTaskCallback

    public interface MokoOrderTaskCallback {
        // response success
        void onOrderResult(OrderTaskResponse response);
        // response timeout
        void onOrderTimeout(OrderTaskResponse response);
        // complete the command
        void onOrderFinish();
    • onOrderResult(OrderTaskResponse response) response successful,response include OrderEnum,can judge it is which order result by OrderEnum;
    • onOrderTimeout(OrderTaskResponse response) response timeout,response include OrderEnum,can judge it is which order timeout by OrderEnum;
    • onOrderFinish() order finish, when no order in the line, back this method;
  4. OrderTaskResponse

    public class OrderTaskResponse implements Serializable {
        public OrderEnum order;
        public int responseType;
        public byte[] responseValue;
    • responseType:RESPONSE_TYPE_NOTIFYRESPONSE_TYPE_WRITE_NO_RESPONSE two types,distinguish order type;
    • responseValue: response the Returned data


1.Get innerversion Task
    After return the results, can get bracelet information. The method is as follows:
    MokoSupport.showHeartRate;//if support Sync heart rate.
    MokoSupport.supportNewData;//if support sync the latest datas.
    MokoSupport.supportNotifyAndRead;//if support read datas and SMS notification.
    MokoSupport.firmwareEnum;//get firmware version.
    MokoSupport.canUpgrade;//if can upgrade.
2.set system time task
3.set user info task
    incoming parameters need introduce UserInfo
4.set band alarm task
    incoming parameters need introduce band alarm info List<BandAlarm>
    public class BandAlarm {
        public String time;// time,format:HH:mm
        // state
        // bit[7]:0:close;1:poen;
        // bit[6]:1:sunday;
        // bit[5]:1:saturday;
        // bit[4]:1:friday;
        // bit[3]:1:thursday;
        // bit[2]:1:wednesday;
        // bit[1]:1:tuesday;
        // bit[0]:1:monday;
        // ex:Every sunday open:11000000;Every Monday to Friday open 10011111;
        public String state;
        public int type;// type,0:medicine;1:water;3:normal;4:sleep;5:exercise;6:sport;
5.set unit type task
    incoming parameters need introduce unit type
    unitType// 0:Chinese;1:English,default chinese
6.set time format task
    incoming parameters need introduce time show format
    timeFormat;// 0:24;1:12,default 24-hour
7.set automatic lighten the screen
    incoming parameters need introduce if automatic lighten the screen
    autoLighten;// 0:open;1:close,default open
8.set sitlongtime alert task
    incoming parameters need introduce sit long time alert info: SitAlert
    public class SitAlert {
        public int alertSwitch; // sit long time alart switch,1:open;0:close
        public String startTime;// start time, format:HH:mm;
        public String endTime;// end time, format:HH:mm;
9.set last show task
    incoming parameters need introduce LastShowTask
    lastScreen;// 1:open;0:close
10.set Heart Rate IntervalTask
    incoming parameters need introduce HeartRateIntervalTask
    heartRateInterval;// 0:close;1:ten min;2:twenty min;3:thirty min
11.set function display task
    incoming parameters need introduce FunctionDisplayTask
    // duration:Whether to show the movement time;
    // calorie:Whether to show burn calories;
    // distance:Whether to show movement distance;
    // heartrate:Whether to show heart rate;
    // step:Whether to show steps;
12.get firmware version task
    After return results, can check the firm version
    for example:
    MokoSupport.versionCodeShow = "2.1.32"
13.get battery and daily steps count task
    After return results, can check the battery power
14.get sleep and heart rate task
15.get daily steps task
    After return results, can check the all steps data in the bracelet
    public class DailyStep {
        public String date;// date,yyyy-MM-dd
        public String count;// steps
        public String duration;// sports time
        public String distance;// sports distance
        public String calories;// burnt calories
    DailyStep{date='2017-06-05', count='1340', duration='5', distance='0.9', calories='78'}
16.get sleep date
    After return results, can check the all sleep data in the bracelet
    public class DailySleep {
        public String date;// date,yyyy-MM-dd
        public String startTime;// start time,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
        public String endTime;// end time,yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
        public String deepDuration;// deep sleep time,unit: min
        public String lightDuration;// light sleep time,unit: min
        public String awakeDuration;// wake up time,unit: min
        public List<String> records;// sleep record
    for example:
    DailySleep{date='2017-06-05', startTime='2017-06-04 23:00', endTime='2017-06-05 07:00', deepDuration='360', lightDuration='60', awakeDuration='60' records=['01','01','10','10','00',...]}
17.get heart rate data
    After return results, can check the all heart rate data in the bracelet
    public class HeartRate implements Comparable<HeartRate> {
        public String time;
        public String value;
    for example:
    HeartRate{time='2017-06-05 12:00', value='78'}
18.Get hardware parameters
    After returning the result, you can check the firmware parameters
    MokoSupport.getInstance().getLastChargeTime();//Last charging time
    MokoSupport.getInstance().getProductBatch();//Production batch number
19.Get unsynced steps data task
    incoming parameters need introduce timestamp
    lastSyncTime;// yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
    After return results, can check step data after special timestamp
20.Get unsynced sleep data task
    incoming parameters need introduce timestamp
    lastSyncTime;// yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
    After return results, can check sleep data after special timestamp
21.Get unsynced heart rate data task
    incoming parameters need introduce timestamp
    lastSyncTime;// yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
    After return results, can check heart rate data after special timestamp
22.set shake band task
    default shake twice, shakes 1 second stop 1 second
    no response to deal with
23.set phonecall coming shake task
    incoming parameters need introduce show text, whether it is cellphone no. or contact person name
    String showText;// show contents(tel No. or contacts)
    boolean isPhoneNumber;// Whether it is Tel No.
    no response to deal with
24.set SMS coming shake task
    incoming parameters need introduce show text, whether it is cellphone no. or contact person name
    String showText;// show contents(tel No. or contacts)
    boolean isPhoneNumber;// Whether it is Tel No.
    no response to deal with

The below functions are only available for firmware version 32 or above

25.Read alarm datas
26.Read sedentary reminder datas
27.Read bracelet setting datas
    MokoSupport.getInstance().getUnitTypeBritish();//Unit type
    MokoSupport.getInstance().getTimeFormat();//Time fo
    MokoSupport.getInstance().getCustomScreen();//Functions display
    MokoSupport.getInstance().getLastScreen();//Whether turn on the last screen
    MokoSupport.getInstance().getHeartRateInterval();//Heart rateinterval
    MokoSupport.getInstance().getAutoLighten();//Whether turn on switch wrist to brght screen
28.wechat notification
    Input parameters need show text
    String showText;// show text 
    no response 
29.qq notify
    Input parameters need show text
    String showText;// show text
    no response
30.WhatsApp notify
    Input parameters need show text
    String showText;// show text
    no response
31.Facebook notify
    Input parameters need show text
    String showText;// show text
    no response
32.Twitter notify
    Input parameters need show text
    String showText;//show text
    no response
33.Skype notify
    NotifySkypeTa sk
    Input parameters need show text
    String showText;//show text
    no response
34.Snapchat notify
    Input parameters need show text
    String showText;//show text
    no response
35.Line notify
    Input parameters need show text
    String showText;//show text
    no response

2.5 sendDirectOrder

Send commands directly, when command no need response, this method could be used, only support sending a single command

public void sendDirectOrder(OrderTask orderTask){}

2.6 isBluetoothOpen

judge whether the bluetooth is open or close

public boolean isBluetoothOpen(){}

2.7 isConnDevice

judge whether the braclet is connected or not

public boolean isConnDevice(Context context, String address){}

bracelet MAC address

2.8 disConnectBle

disconnect wiht bracelet

public void disConnectBle(){}

3.Save Log to SD Card
