FittenTech / fittencode.vim

Fitten Code AI Programming Assistant for Vim
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Is it possible to provide API document so we could build an decent neovim plugin? #2

Open AllenDang opened 5 months ago

AllenDang commented 5 months ago

Hi there, I tried the vscode version, fittencode really impressed me with both the speed and accuracy. But my main editor is neovim, I came here to check whether I could use it, after read the code, seems it's far from usable compare to vscode version. I understand your company might lack of enough man power to create neovim plugin, so I'm wondering whether it's possible to share API document, so I could write a neovim plugin to integrate with nvim-cmp like GitHub copilot does?

lzhengning commented 5 months ago

Thank you for your enthusiasm and support. Our current implementation is through HTTP requests. You can refer to fittencode.vim for implementing user login, logout, and completion requests.