FittenTech / fittencode.vim

Fitten Code AI Programming Assistant for Vim
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Fitten Code Vim

Fitten Code AI Programming Assistant Vim Edition, helps you to use AI for automatic completion in vim, with support for functions like login, logout, shortcut key completion, and single file plugin, convenient for integration into your environment.

Fitten Code AI编程助手 Vim 版本,帮助您在vim中通过AI进行自动补全,支持功能:登录、登出、快捷键补全,单文件插件,方便集成到您的环境当中。



Vim >= 9.0.

The support of NeoVim is here contributed by luozhiya.


# github install
mkdir -p ~/.vim/plugin
curl -o ~/.vim/plugin/fittencode.vim

# gitee install 
mkdir -p ~/.vim/plugin
curl -o ~/.vim/plugin/fittencode.vim

Installing by various Vim plug-in managers should also work.


If you haven't registered yet, please click here to register.

After registration, enter :Fittenlogin <username> <passwd> in vim command line to login. After successful login, press <C-L> to toggle completion and <TAB> to accept the completion. You can also modify the shortcut key binding by g:fitten_trigger and g:fitten_accept_key to your preferred completion shortcut.


注册完成后,在vim命令行输入:Fittenlogin <username> <passwd>登录;登录成功后,按下<C-L>即可弹出补全提示,按下 <TAB> 键完成补全,您也可以修改g:fitten_triggerg:fitten_accept_key,改为自己习惯的补全快捷键。

# Intelligent completion example for input code
def calculate_area(radius):
    return 3.14 * radius ** 2

# Intelligent prompt example when the cursor is on the function name and the shortcut key is pressed

You can also enter :Fittenlogout to log out.


For more advanced usage, esp. using your own trigger functions, see :help fitten-advanced.

有关更高级的用法,特别是使用您自己的触发器函数,请参阅:help fitten advanced