FizzyApple12 / BeatSaberPresence

A mod for Beat Saber that adds Discord Rich Presence functionality.
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no work #13

Open urxnot opened 2 years ago

urxnot commented 2 years ago

am i doing something wrong or is it just not working with new updates

joerkig commented 2 years ago

Do you have all the dependencies?

DJDavid98 commented 1 year ago

I'm also not seeing my presence update after installing this mod, I'm fairly sure I have all the listed dependencies. Running Beat Saber version 1.25.0

joerkig commented 1 year ago

It works with fine for me on 1.25.0 with dependencies (BSML, SiraUtil, DiscordCore) installed. Beat Saber Markup Language obtained from modassistant

DJDavid98 commented 1 year ago

I updated all dependencies of both DiscordCore and this plugin, including updating the Discord Game SDK to version 3.2.1 and that seems to have solved my issue

joerkig commented 1 year ago

That's great to hear!

DJDavid98 commented 1 year ago

I did some further testing and it seems the mod works perfectly fine as it is with 0 changes, but it takes Discord 30+ seconds to display the first rich presence update basically every time the game is started. Afterwards it works perfectly well with about 1-3 seconds of delay between songs starting and the presence updating, which might also be a limitation of the client itself throttling the updates. So if anyone thinks their mod is broken, wait a minute or so after launching the game and you should see the Rich Presence update.

lisia2k commented 1 year ago

Not working for me on 1.25.1 :(