FizzyApple12 / BeatSaberPresence

A mod for Beat Saber that adds Discord Rich Presence functionality.
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Beat Saber Presence

What is this?

Beat Saber Presence is a fully customizable mod for Beat Saber which gives you Rich Presence functionality in Beat Saber.

How can I customize it?

Inside of the game, on the mods panel, there is a tab for BeatSaberPresence. Inside that menu, you can:

Inside of the BeatSaberPresence.json (Beat Saber/UserData/BeatSaberPresence.json), you can customize:

When customizing the text, you can insert snippets which replace themselves with game data.

Snippet Description Replacement Example Works In
{DiscordName} | Replaced with your Discord username (no discriminator) | FizzyApple12 (She/Her) Menu or Game
{DiscordDiscriminator} | Replaced with your Discord discriminator (no username) | 3494 Menu or Game
{SongName} | Replaced with the name of the song you are playing | Killbot Game
{SongSubName} | Replaced with the subname of the song you are playing | Something or other Game
{SongAuthorName} | Replaced with the author of the song you are playing | Devin Martin Game
{SongDuration} | Replaced with the length of the song you are playing in minutes and seconds | 03:32 Game
{SongDurationSeconds} | Replaced with the length of the song you are playing in seconds | 212 Game
{LevelAuthorName} | Replaced with the name of the mapper of the song you are playing | JonathanRune Game
{SongBPM} | Replaced with the BPM of the song you are playing | 120 Game
{LevelID} | Replaced with the level ID of the song you are playing | custom_level_3DDE3B1... Game
{EnvironmentName} | Replaced with the name of the environment you are currently playing in | Nice Game
{Submission} | Replaced with Enabled or Disabled depending on the status of score submission | Enabled Game
{NoFail} | Replaced with On or Off depending on the status of the "No Fail" modifier | Off Game
{NoBombs} | Replaced with On or Off depending on the status of the "No Bombs" modifier | Off Game
{NoObsticles} | Replaced with On or Off depending on the status of the "No Obsticles" modifier | Off Game
{NoArrows} | Replaced with On or Off depending on the status of the "No Arrows" modifier | Off Game
{SlowerSong} | Replaced with On or Off depending on the status of the "Slower Song" modifier | Off Game
{InstaFail} | Replaced with On or Off depending on the status of the "Insta Fail" modifier | Off Game
{BatteryEnergy} | Replaced with On or Off depending on the status of the "Battery Energy" modifier | Off Game
{GhostNotes} | Replaced with On or Off depending on the status of the "Ghost Notes" modifier | Off Game
{DisappearingArrows} | Replaced with On or Off depending on the status of the "Disappearing Arrows" modifier | Off Game
{FasterSong} | Replaced with On or Off depending on the status of the "Faster Song" modifier | Off Game

What libraries or other plugins does it need?

This plugin is built using BSIPA4 so you need that, as well as

Great! How do I get it?

You can either download a released version from the releases tab or build it yourself.

Here are the steps to build the Project:

  1. Link all of the DLLs from the Beat Saber directory

  2. Build the project

  3. Copy BeatSaberPresence.dll to the Plugins folder

  4. That's it! You're done!