Flickr-Foundation / flickr-photos-api

Look up information about photos and collections of photos from Flickr
Apache License 2.0
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flickr flickr-api


This is a library for using the Flickr API at the Flickr Foundation.

It's not a general-purpose Flickr API library. It provides a subset of Flickr API methods with the following goals:


Using the Flickr API is fairly simple: you make an HTTP GET to{api_key} and pass one or more URL query parameters. One of those query parameters must be method, then you add other parameters depending on the API method.

There's an abstract class that represents this interface:

import abc
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

class FlickrApi(abc.ABC):
    def call(self, method: str, params: dict[str, str] | None = None) -> ET.Element:
        return NotImplemented

The idea is that you can extend this class with "method" classes that wrap specific API methods, and make HTTP GET calls through this call() method:

class GetSinglePhotoMethods(FlickrApi):
    def get_single_photo(self, photo_id: str) -> ET.Element:
        return"", params={"photo_id": photo_id})

This separates the code for making HTTP requests and separating the responses.

The library includes a single implementation of FlickrApi for making HTTP requests, using httpx, but you could swap it out if you wanted to use e.g. requests or urllib3. This httpx implementation is the default implementation.


>>> from flickr_photos_api import FlickrApi
>>> api = FlickrApi(api_key="…", user_agent="…")

>>> photo = api.get_single_photo(photo_id="14898030836")

>>> photo
{'id': '14898030836', 'title': 'NASA Scientists Says', …}

>>> photo["license"]
{'id': 'cc-by-2.0', 'label': 'CC BY 2.0', 'url': ''}

>>> photo["url"]


  1. Install flickr-photos-api from PyPI:

    $ pip install flickr-photos-api
  2. Construct an instance of FlickrApi. You need to pass a user-agent that identifies you, and a Flickr API key.

    from flickr_photos_api import FlickrApi
    api = FlickrApi(api_key="…", user_agent="…")
  3. Call methods on FlickrApi. There's no complete list of methods right now; look at the files in the api directory.

    Methods that return collections of photos also support page and per_page parameters to control pagination.


If you want to make changes to the library, there are instructions in


This project is dual-licensed as Apache-2.0 and MIT.