Flode-Labs / vid2densepose

Convert your videos to densepose and use it on MagicAnimate
MIT License
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densepose magic-animate


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The Vid2DensePose is a powerful tool designed for applying the DensePose model to videos, generating detailed "Part Index" visualizations for each frame. This tool is exceptionally useful for enhancing animations, particularly when used in conjunction with MagicAnimate for temporally consistent human image animation.

Key Features


To utilize this tool, ensure the installation of:

Installation Steps

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Flode-Labs/vid2densepose.git
    cd vid2densepose
  2. Install necessary Python packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Clone the Detectron repository:

    git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2.git

Usage Guide

Run the script:

python main.py -i sample_videos/input_video.mp4 -o sample_videos/output_video.mp4

The script processes the input video and generates an output with the densePose format.

Gradio version

You can also use the Gradio to run the script with an interface. To do so, run the following command:

python app.py

Integration with MagicAnimate

For integration with MagicAnimate:

  1. Create the densepose video using the steps outlined above.
  2. Use this output as an input to MagicAnimate for generating temporally consistent animations.


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For any inquiries or support, please file an issue in our GitHub repository's issue tracker.