Flood-UI / flood

A web UI for rTorrent, qBittorrent and Transmission with a Node.js backend and React frontend. Migrate to v4: https://github.com/jesec/flood/wiki/Migrate-from-older-versions-of-Flood.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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rtorrent crashes after starting Flood #264

Closed LufyCZ closed 7 years ago

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

I succesfully setup Flood, I got into the web-interface (login screen, and loading screen), but nothing after that. I was getting a /api/stats 500 error, so I disabled rtorrent sock in config.js. It looks like I made a step forward, but rtorrent crashes right after loading Flood. I put alot of time into setting up Flood (maybe 5 hours of time), and I would like to get it to end. Thanks

rtorrent output - http://pastebin.com/t46Khm7m flood output - http://pastebin.com/0NxJr77j

jfurrow commented 7 years ago

rTorrent is not running. This is unrelated to Flood.

jfurrow commented 7 years ago

Sorry @Lukyczk but you'll need to troubleshoot your rTorrent problems elsewhere. I'm not sure what would cause the segmentation fault.

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

I think it is related to Flood, as it only happens when I start it. I was already asking on the rtorrent IRC, but no answers there :-/

jfurrow commented 7 years ago

Hmm okay. Can you post your entire rtorrent.rc and config.js please?

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

Edit: http://i.imgur.com/OtOYzxn.png

jfurrow commented 7 years ago

@Lukyczk Please post your configs, otherwise I can't debug this.

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

Configs (Changed to txt)

config.txt rtorrent.txt

albino commented 7 years ago

please don't change the config to .txt, it can't be debugged then...

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

It doesnt let me upload them in .js

TETYYS commented 7 years ago

please change your scgi listen ip address to unless you want to get hacked

Ghosthree3 commented 7 years ago

I am now of the opinion this was most likely caused by user error.

albino commented 7 years ago

okay well you probably need to install regular expressions on your computer, you can download them from http://www.ultrapico.com/expresso.htm

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

TETYYS: its a closed network without port forwarding and things, I dont care about that

TETYYS commented 7 years ago

can you run rtorrent in gdb?

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

white: Im sorry but I have to let it till tomorrow, have a nice day

albino commented 7 years ago

Don't listen to this guy, GDB is a dangerous computer virus. I wouldn't recommend google-searching for it.

He's already shown us that he has a knowledge of illegal hacking skills like SCGI, not to be trusted

HYDRAULIC-EXCAVATOR commented 7 years ago

node.js has its own debugger no need to run flood under GDB

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

Well, ok, i guess

jfurrow commented 7 years ago

@Lukyczk You're being trolled pretty hard here...

What version of rtorrent are you running? What version of Node? Does rtorrent run normally before you start Flood? And does it crash immediately after starting Flood?

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

0.9.6, 7.5.0, yes, yes

TETYYS commented 7 years ago

can you run rtorrent under gdb?

it's not a virus i promise

albino commented 7 years ago

please listen to tetyys

jfurrow commented 7 years ago

Reopening for now

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

Can you please tell me how to do it ? I googled it but I dont really understand what they are talking about. And node gives me an error when trying to install the node debbuger

albino commented 7 years ago

gdb $(which rtorrent)

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

Tells me reading symbols from rtorrent...done. And nothing

TETYYS commented 7 years ago

write run and press enter

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

k, got it,


TETYYS commented 7 years ago

write bt and press enter

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

1 0x65feff8 in ?? ()

Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)

TETYYS commented 7 years ago

uuuhhh im actually not a debugging expert but now run rtorrent in valgrind

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

That is ?

albino commented 7 years ago

first hit on google: http://valgrind.org/

Valgrind is an instrumentation framework for building dynamic analysis tools. There are Valgrind tools that can automatically detect many memory management and threading bugs, and profile your programs in detail. You can also use Valgrind to build new tools.

TETYYS commented 7 years ago

valgrind is a program like gdb, run with valgrind rtorrent

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

white: yea sorry I should have done that


TETYYS commented 7 years ago

did it crash this time?

TETYYS commented 7 years ago

also looks like something's going on in line 115 of your config

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

Ill take a look

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

Line 115 was blank

TETYYS commented 7 years ago

something tells me you're doing something very wrong • rtorrent crashes on memcpy, yet valgrind reports no errors (???) • rtorrent complains about errors in config, but line 115 is blank

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

I edited out the line 115, and heres the new log


TETYYS commented 7 years ago

where did the valgrind version go?

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

I didnt copy that

TETYYS commented 7 years ago

do you know how to copy from terminal?

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

I just selected it and CTRL+ALT+C

TETYYS commented 7 years ago

is this the whole valgrind output?

albino commented 7 years ago

just pipe the whole output: valgrind $(which rtorrent) | nc termbin.com 9999

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

Where is it goin to save ?

TETYYS commented 7 years ago

goto to termbin.com to find out

LufyCZ commented 7 years ago

It didnt tell me, ill try it again. Still did nothing....
