Flutter-Bounty-Hunters / static_shock

A static site generator for Dart.
MIT License
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Created GitHub plugin, created redirects plugin, updated Pub plugin, moved data index into the context. #106

Closed matthew-carroll closed 1 month ago

matthew-carroll commented 1 month ago

Created GitHub plugin, created redirects plugin, updated Pub plugin, moved data index into the context.

Created a GitHubContributorsPlugin, which loads a contributors list for any number of specified repositories. This plugin uses the GitHub API, which is implemented by the github package (non-official package).

Created a RedirectsPlugin, which looks for a redirectFrom path in a page and then generates a page at that path, which tells the browser to redirect to the primary url for the page.

Updated the PubPackagePlugin so that it can source the desired package names either from code, or from a _data.yaml file. Whichever is easier for the author.

Pipeline changes:

matthew-carroll commented 1 month ago

FYI @angelosilvestre