Flutter-Bounty-Hunters / static_shock

A static site generator for Dart.
MIT License
139 stars 6 forks source link

Static Shock - A static site generator, written in Dart

Built by the Flutter Bounty Hunters

For documentation, visit staticshock.io


Generate a new Static Shock project with static_shock_cli:

# Activate the CLI tool.
dart pub global activate static_shock_cli

# Generate a new project.
shock create

Once you've created a project, you can (re)build your static site as needed:

# Build directly
dart bin/main.dart

# Or, build with the CLI tool
shock build

To demo your static site, run a local server from your project directory, using the CLI tool:

shock serve

The local server automatically rebuilds and reloads your pages as you work.


Packages in this repository:


This repository is a mono-repo. To work with it, you need Melos available on your path:

dart pub global activate melos

When you first open the root of the project for development, bootstrap Melos:

melos bootstrap