FluxML / Flux.jl

Relax! Flux is the ML library that doesn't make you tensor
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data-science deep-learning flux machine-learning neural-networks the-human-brain

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Flux is an elegant approach to machine learning. It's a 100% pure-Julia stack, and provides lightweight abstractions on top of Julia's native GPU and AD support. Flux makes the easy things easy while remaining fully hackable.

Works best with Julia 1.9 or later. Here's a very short example to try it out:

using Flux, Plots
data = [([x], 2x-x^3) for x in -2:0.1f0:2]

model = Chain(Dense(1 => 23, tanh), Dense(23 => 1, bias=false), only)

optim = Flux.setup(Adam(), model)
for epoch in 1:1000
  Flux.train!((m,x,y) -> (m(x) - y)^2, model, data, optim)

plot(x -> 2x-x^3, -2, 2, legend=false)
scatter!(x -> model([x]), -2:0.1f0:2)

The quickstart page has a longer example. See the documentation for details, or the model zoo for examples. Ask questions on the Julia discourse or slack.

If you use Flux in your research, please cite our work.