Folds / osmosian

Plain English Programming: the CAL compiler, editor, writer, and desktop.
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Plain English Programming: the CAL compiler, editor, writer, and desktop.

CAL-3040 is a working product of the Osmosian Order's philosophy of making programming simpler. The Osmosian Order has improved the language and compiler from version 3040. Version 4700 was released in January 2017. If you want to participate in the Osmosian Order's projects, please contact the Osmosian Order at .

If you want to program in Plain English in an environment that supports sharing the desktop, scrollbars, mouse-wheel scrolling, font menus, command-line options, and automated testing, please visit . That project is based on a dynamic fork of the CAL-3040 code. It is syntax-compatible with CAL-4700, but is not endorsed by the Osmosian Order.