Food-Static-Data / sd

Food static data wrapper
GNU General Public License v3.0
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custom structures generator [Main task] #158

Open atherdon opened 5 years ago

atherdon commented 5 years ago

So, we have our fetch module. link: (Check Readme there and 5 published articles). And it's an old plugin that we build with Vadim during the last 8 months. Right now it's time for changes, and we split fetch with sd repository into 2 parts, that is separated. It makes the code more robust and easy to maintain/extend the code.

actually, with changes from me, @hirdbluebird, @azaidi4, @EbrahimKreem we break fetch and fixing it right now...

So, the main reason why I mentioning all of you here is: 1) we'll move from fetch to sd repository part of the functionality, that will generate us the same data, BUT with different structures(like {a:a, b:b} to {a:a, more: {b:b}}). All of you have different skills and knowledge of our modules, so we'll need to split this big task into small chunks.

2) Vadim will curate all of you, so please notify him frequently. The same thing with code - as we'll have a lot of people that code here at the same time --> we need to sync your forks frequently. If there is some troubles with your knowledge with git/github - please mention this. it's not a problem and i'll help you to master it.

3) Elnur will work with tests, Ronnie will help him Wahaj right now dealing with the generation of a few files, Ahmad and Ebrahim, Eugene came from fetch repository, so they know about different methods that we have there.

Vadim knows everything about both of this repositories, so he is in charge.

Ask your questions

@azaidi4, @EbrahimKreem, @vadim9999, @ronniebhatt, @elnur004

atherdon commented 5 years ago

:heavy_check_mark: ~Current task for @elnur004 is #135. @vadim9999 can you have a look, please?~

atherdon commented 5 years ago

:heavy_check_mark: ~Current task for @wahaj-47(sorry that i forget to add you here) is #55. @vadim9999 please take a look, because i didn't test your generator myself~

wahaj-47 commented 5 years ago

:heavy_check_mark: #173 both measurement files are being generated.

atherdon commented 5 years ago

173 both measurement files are being generated.

@vadim9999 please check it/ task is here #55 :heavy_check_mark: I add you as admin to this repository. so you'll be able to merge PRs

atherdon commented 5 years ago

@EbrahimKreem & @azaidi4 are you here with us?

azaidi4 commented 5 years ago

@atherdon yes. Just been a bit busy. Will start working on this soon

hirdbluebird commented 5 years ago

@vadim9999 Hi. what should be done in this repo? Any actual tasks? Also, can you please create a task about updating Not clear what the purpose of this repo and what should be done here. No introduction info here.

atherdon commented 5 years ago

i think Elnur and Wahaj as major devs here can help with readme ;)

vadim9999 commented 5 years ago

:heavy_check_mark: @hirdbluebird ~I have created but now it's empty :)~

vadim9999 commented 5 years ago

@ronniebhatt Hi!

atherdon commented 5 years ago

Guys, I was absent last month as you may find. But was "spying" on your code and pull requests


Vadim will continue to supervising you here, but I'll work on some management as well. If someone have some ideas about what I/we can update/upgrade in order to make our work more smooth - please tell me. I find out that we don't have a proper Readme here - will update it and make more detailed and easy to navigate.

Btw, nice progress @vadim9999, @elnur004, @wahaj-47, @EbrahimKreem !

atherdon commented 5 years ago

Question: I see that generator it's become a huge thing here. At it complicate our code/logic here. Is it a good idea to move a generator away as a separated module and just call it in our package.json? #332

atherdon commented 5 years ago

:shipit: #266

vadim9999 commented 5 years ago

Question: I see that generator it's become a huge thing here. At it complicate our code/logic here. Is it a good idea to move a generator away as a separated module and just call it in our package.json?

Yes, I think it's a good idea

atherdon commented 5 years ago

then we need to have a really great explanation about how to do it at some task. Because not everyone knows how rollup is working, so there only 2 options: we can did it quickly by myself or slowly but with help of other people. i'm preferring a second one. especially because i don't code generator


atherdon commented 5 years ago

Team, please welcome Adebowale(@Edebo) - he is our new team member. @vadim will supervise you at this repository.


vadim9999 commented 5 years ago

@atherdon are we moving all methods from fetch? Then we will generate files from this functions?

atherdon commented 5 years ago

@atherdon are we moving all methods from fetch? Then we will generate files from this functions?

I don't think that we need 100% of methods from fetch actually. same with tests. Here we need to have only methods, that changing/updating structure of our json arrays. So, for example - i think we need to move most of methods from folder GraphQL because most of them generating arrays. if you want more details, let's have a separated task, where we can discuss each method separately.

atherdon commented 5 years ago

I think Gracia(@ladysequel) is also ready to start with us


atherdon commented 5 years ago

Welcome Pratiksha (@Pratikshagit) as our new member too! She came from apps field with good knowledge at testing. We'll help her to learn Jest, so our test coverage will be awesome.


Edebo commented 5 years ago

Team, please welcome Adebowale(@Edebo) - he is our new team member. @vadim will supervise you at this repository.

xxx Hi everyone

atherdon commented 5 years ago

Whuh, looks like we increasing our team quickly. Nathaniel(@dctalk1234) also joining this repository


dctalk1234 commented 5 years ago

@vadim9999 I was told to get in touch about what tasks you may have for me to start looking at.

vadim9999 commented 5 years ago

:shipit: ~@dctalk1234 Hi! This task is for you

Edebo commented 5 years ago

@vadim9999 i have not got a task yet

vadim9999 commented 5 years ago

:heavy_check_mark: @Edebo ~Hi! This task for you

atherdon commented 5 years ago

If someone want to read more - actually more about plans that we have at fetch plugin located here and at Readme of fetch plugin: And we're doing right now part that we start to work at January:

atherdon commented 5 years ago

The generator is a huge thing. So maybe details are necessary.

Graphql subproject. our task for it is to generate about 5-8 files, that we're generating here. Methods we actually grabbing and moving from fetch module.

ChickenKyiv subproject it's using at recipe-antd, fake-API

Groceristar subproject - used at groceristar-showcase, main groceristar-backend server.

Units - Wahaj started to work on it. We generated files. We need methods for it.

Recipe Search - it's part of recipe-API, so it's used a similar DB-schema. Same data used in our recipe-box React Components, aka Selects, Website blocks.

We also need to move some (not all) tests from fetch, because it's part of our current functionality. We just make our code, better and simpler.

Cups.js, that was created by Elnur from scratch(thanks for this). It's actually part of measurements system, that will be later integrated together.

Meal Calendar: it's actually part of recipe-API server(groceristar is actually part of recipe-API as well, but right now we're not ready to merge them)/

the calendar will display recipes by days. Right now it's a low level of priority, but maybe by simplifying our code, we will be able to able to make it work faster.

Measurements/Unit Conversion is also part of recipe-API and partially to groceristar, later will be integrated with recipes objects.

Nutritions it's also a part of recipe-API and it's important for projects. that rely on nutritional values, like diets.

JsonValidator - > we didn't implement it yet. But it a very important part of the generator. Because we need to validate our file schemes, especially while files have data inside in minified way(which is good)

Separation like how we did it -> will help us later to work on translating this data to other languages. Because right now we only work with English and this is not cool. like if someone from France - he wouldn't be able totally to use it and benefit from our work

ijb87 commented 5 years ago

Can I have a task please?

atherdon commented 5 years ago

@hirdbluebird do you want a simple task or hard one?

atherdon commented 5 years ago

:heavy_check_mark: Benitha (@Beni03) ~is working on #299~

ankit-prgmr commented 5 years ago

Hi @vadim9999, I'm told to text you to get a task to start with. Thanks

vadim9999 commented 5 years ago

:heavy_check_mark: @ankit-prgmr Hi! This task for you

vadim9999 commented 5 years ago

:shipit: @ijb87 Hi! This task if for you

ladysequel commented 5 years ago

Hi Vadim,

Thank you, I will take a look at it tomorrow.

Sincerely, Gracia Rivas

vadim9999 commented 5 years ago

@ladysequel do you have two accounts? ijb87 it's also your account?

atherdon commented 5 years ago

No, @ijb87 it's Ihab, our new member as well :) And Gracia just replied to notification via email

ambikantpc1987 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am a QA Engineer with 5 years of experience.

ladysequel commented 5 years ago

No, that is not mine.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

ladysequel commented 5 years ago

Dear Vadim,

I am currently developing my JavaScript skills. So it might take me a little bit to code back the method. But I will be working on it.

Sincerely, Gracia Rivas

vadim9999 commented 5 years ago

:shipit: @akshatphumbhra Hi! This task for you

vadim9999 commented 5 years ago

:shipit: @ladysequel Hi! This task for you

atherdon commented 5 years ago

@akshatphumbhra as Vadim busy at his university - lets talk here about tests for this module. as you can see its pretty simple

mooyoungoh commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am Mooyoung. I go to college in California. I glad to be a member of this project.

@atherdon who will assign the tasks to me?

atherdon commented 5 years ago

It's Vadim side, but he is busy. @MOOYOUONGOH try to dig into 'data' folder and check if we converted such kind of data into json objects. if no, please convert it and submit to this repository: I also have more advanced task. tell me if you feel powers to solve it. i want to parse a big csv file and convert that data to json file, with custom(maybe a bit different) kind of imformation.

atherdon commented 5 years ago

@MOOYOUONGOH i'm talking about this dataset which maybe will be an important part of our software/module soon. because few people right now crafting logic and data, related to measurement systems of food ingredients.

mooyoungoh commented 5 years ago

@atherdon where is the data folder? what repo?

atherdon commented 5 years ago

spend some time and research more. this kind of question shows me that you should spend some time and observe(read) about our current work. or ask more specific questions

wahaj-47 commented 5 years ago

Is there something I can do?

atherdon commented 5 years ago

@wahaj-47 what do you think about parsing data, that i mentioned