ForJournalism / fj-django

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Django for Journalism

Chapter 1

Introduction; Overview of a Django app; Data analysis

We'll start off the course with a quick description of the Django project/app structure and we'll walk through the data, breaking up an inspections project into three basic real-world model buckets. We'll talk through some of the quirks of inspection data and set up the project. Finally, we'll talk a little bit about virtualenv and the Python environment. And we'll commit our basic code to a VCS.


Chapter 2

Models and importing data

Chapter 2 focuses on writing code to support the real-world models we theorized in Chapter 1. As part of Chapter 2, we'll also discuss South and basic database migrations.


Chapter 3

Importing data

We'll write an importer to parse the data source and insert it into our models. This parsing will involve some light web scraping and discussion of scraping framework BeautifulSoup. We'll also talk through the difference between creating and updating records and making sure that we don't have duplicate data.


Chapter 4

Application structure; Views, URLs and Templates Phase 1

Chapter 4 starts off with a discussion of the two phases of our application: existing inspection data and live inspection data. We'll use this discussion to explain the model-view-template structure of Django and work backwards from URLs through views to models and templates. Finally, we'll start writing code for the existing-data phase of our Web application, since iterations are good.


Chapter 5

Views, URLs and Templates Phase 2

Chapter 5 dives into the live inspection results and builds an interesting homepage. We'll demonstrate the admin. Finally, we'll discuss some performance-related topics and how to make our application scale.


Chapter 6

APIs and Search

If you're working on a dynamic web site, you're probably interested in APIs and/or search. We'll use django-tastypie to set up a full RESTful API for our restaurants site and django-haystack to build a search index. We'll even do some mildly advanced things like set up a search backend and enable faceted search!


Chapter 7

Putting it all together; Deployment; Maintenance

In Chapter 7, we'll talk about making our prototype official. We'll deploy it to a Web service-to-be-decided-soon (AWS? Heroku? S3 and flatfiles?) and discuss standard deployment tools like Fabric. We'll also talk about maintenance and a proper production-staging-development environment.
