Open dhanajik opened 4 years ago
Please help me to sort out this or provide the alternative way.
Hi @dhanajik it's been a while since we've maintained this project so I'll take a look and see if there is a bug or provide instructions on how to resolve this
Thank you very much
Also I am very new to Openbanking, any help/guideline will much appriciated.
Thank you in advance
Sure I'd recommend
Nice talking to Ben and it very helpful, thank you Ben
downloading CAs from openssl x509 -inform der -in ~/Downloads/OB_SandBox_PP_Root\ CA.cer -out ob_root.pem openssl x509 -inform der -in ~/Downloads/OB_SandBox_PP_Issuing\ CA.cer -out ob_issuing.pem then we’ll need to create the chain cat ob_root.pem ob_issuing.pem transport-Zm16mY0*****mTz9hS.pem > transport.pem
I have ran Make file script but getting below error while running 'make step2 '. Please check it and let me whats going wrong.
Thank you
keytool -import -trustcacerts -noprompt -alias transport-Zm16mY0SfbzPBTqqmTz9hS -file "tpp/transport-Zm16mY0SfbzPBTqqmTz9hS.pem" -keystore "tpp/keystore.p12" -storepass changeit keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Failed to establish chain from reply make: *** [import-tpp-request-pem] Error 1