ForgeRock / ForgeRock-OpenBanking-Sample

ForgeRock Open Banking Sample code. Examples to help you discovering the Open Banking standard
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Open Banking Reference Implementation Sample

Code sample for helping TPPs and ASPSP using the ForgeRock Open Banking reference implementation platform.


License: CDDLv1.0 \ License URL :

How to install the app

Downloading the project code and loading it with intellij

You need to get the code locally for the git project repo. For this, you need to

Setup the host files

You will need to create some new hostnames for the application.

Register your TPP with the ForgeRock directory

ForgeRock directory manage keys for you and expose the jwkms, a service for generated JWTs.

What you need to do:

Register your TPP with the Open Banking directory

We implemented a script which will allow you to generate keys, ready to go, that you can import to Open Banking directory. What you need to do:

You should be ready to run the application now.

Run the application

curl -X GET \ 

you should have as a response:

Hello World!

How to use the application ?

In the project, you will find a folder called postman. In there, you will find a postman collection and an environment that you can import in your postman application.

You will find the hello world request in it.

A suggested order of execution:

Edit the application for raising support tickets to ForgeRock

You can modify this project to match a behaviour you are doing with your own TPP. It's the recommended way if you want to raise an issue to the ForgeRock team: