ForgeRock / exampleOAuth2Clients

Example OAuth2 clients for standards-based profile management
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Example OAuth2 Clients

The client applications in this repository demonstrate standards-based profile management. The user profiles are stored and served by ForgeRock software that you deploy either locally on your computer or remotely in the cloud. These example client applications protect access to the profiles with standard OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect 1.0-based mechanisms.

Choosing an Example Client

These example clients are provided:

Each example client is self-contained, and fully described in its own README.

Running Example Clients

  1. Clone the following git repositories:
  2. Install third-party software for Kubernetes support:
  3. (Optional) XCode on macOS for the iOS examples.
  4. Follow the DevOps Guide for the ForgeRock Cloud Platform
  5. Run the "oauth2" profile with the 6.5 version of the platform:
    $ cd /path/to/forgeops
    $ bin/ init --profile oauth2 --version 6.5
    $ skaffold dev -f skaffold-6.5.yaml -p oauth2
  6. Follow the README for your chosen client in this repository.

About the Software

To use the example client applications as described in their README files, you must access or set up a running instance of the ForgeRock ForgeRock Cloud Platform. The ForgeRock Cloud Platform deploys the ForgeRock Identity Platform into a Kubernetes environment such as minikube on a laptop, Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS), or Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), and others. The ForgeRock Cloud Platform configures the ForgeRock Platform components for use with the example clients in this repository.

The setup process builds the following layers, starting from the bottom and working up:

   |      Example Clients (exampleOAuth2Clients)         |
   |      ForgeRock Identity Platform (forgeops)         |
   |      Kubernetes Support (minikube, GKE, EKS, others)|

You do not need to know DevOps, Kubernetes, or the ForgeRock Platform to try the example clients. Of course, if you run into any problems, debugging will be faster if you are already familiar with DevOps and Kubernetes infrastructure, the ForgeRock Platform components, and tools like Docker, kubectl and skaffold.

To try the ForgeRock Platform in Kubernetes, first download and install these freely available third-party software tools to work with Kubernetes as described above. If you install minikube, you can run a local ForgeRock Platform development environment with some disk space for the files and 8 GB free memory. Should you choose to go beyond the basics, full details are available in Installing Required Third-Party Software, a section in the ForgeRock Platform DevOps Developer's Guide: Using Minikube.

To set up the ForgeRock Platform in Kubernetes, rely on these git repositories: