ForgeRock / platform-ui

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Forgerock UI

Forgerock UI

Monorepo containing various Forgerock UIs.
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The purpose of this readme is to help users explore the ForgeRock UI monorepo. Which contains a variety of UI parts such as views, styles and components utilized for different ForgeRock UIs.

Table of contents

Development Quick start

Build Tools


Unit tests

Testing is achieved with the Jest Testing Framework and configured globally inside: jest.config.base.js and locally to each project inside: jest.config.js

End to End tests (E2E)

Cypress is leveraged for all End to End tests

Testing tools

The following testing tools are installed when you install the project dependencies:

Application tools

The following application tools are installed when you install the project dependencies:

Code style

Translations and Text

Application translation uses Vue i18n and the openidm/info/uiconfig endpoint to get the current user's browser language.

The project only contains en based translations and falls back to en if an unsupported language is detected. To change the default language fallback adjust VueI18n /src/main.js.

Adding and changing an existing message for the en base language involves either adding a key or editing an existing key. Keys follow JSON structure; for example, if you wanted to edit the navigation bar Profile to User Profile you would need to locate the appropriate key and change the text. Inside of your Vue application you would then make use of that key with the built in translation function {{$t('')}} or this.$t('').

Adding a new translation language means creating a new translation file inside of locales folder with a key matching the translation language code.

For example:


Then creating a JSON key structure that should be mirrored across all of the language files.

For example:

        dashboard: {
            welcomeMessage: 'Welcome!'


Running yarn build creates a distribution file in the dist folder of that specific project. Each deployment use case is different.


The following theming tools are installed when you install the project dependencies:

Theming makes use of two concepts:

When you include the theme flag, the node build scripts attempt to locate a corresponding file in src/scss. The file must also contain a -theme.scss moniker, for example, red-theme.scss.

The default project includes three themes:

Build command summary

Inside of the packages folder of the monorepo you will find each stand alone project. These stand alone projects all rely on similar commands, on occation there are minor differences (for example theming doesn't apply to admin). Please check and package.json to see the specific commands. Here is a list of the universal commands.

# install dependencies

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 (increments by 1 automatically if port is in use).
yarn dev

# server with theme loaded (not admin)
yarn dev --theme=red

# build for production with minification
yarn build

# build with theme loaded (not admin)
yarn build --theme=red

# run all tests
yarn unit

Browser support