FormidableLabs / builder-init

A project generator for builder archetypes.
MIT License
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Builder Initializer

Initialize projects from builder archetypes.


Install this package as a global dependency.

$ npm install -g builder-init

Although we generally disfavor global installs, this tool creates new projects from scratch, so you have to start somewhere...


builder-init can initialize any package that npm can install, including npm, GitHub, file, etc. It uses the denim template engine with some customizations specifically for builder projects.


$ builder-init [flags] <archetype>




$ builder-init builder-react-component
$ builder-init builder-react-component@0.2.0
$ builder-init FormidableLabs/builder-react-component
$ builder-init FormidableLabs/builder-react-component#v0.2.0
$ builder-init git+ssh://
$ builder-init git+ssh://
$ builder-init /FULL/PATH/TO/builder-react-component

Internally, builder-init utilizes npm pack to download (but not install) an archetype package from npm, GitHub, file, etc. There is a slight performance penalty for things like local files which have to be compressed and then expanded again, but we gain the very nice benefit of allowing builder-init to install anything npm can in exactly the same manner that npm does.

Installing from a Relative Path on the Local Filesystem

One exception to the "install like npm does" rule is installation from the local filesystem. Internally, builder-init creates a temporary directory to expand the download from npm pack and executes the process in that directory, meaning that relative paths to a target archetype are now incorrect.

Accordingly, if you want to simulate a relative path install, you can try something like:

# Mac / Linux
$ builder-init "${PWD}/../builder-react-component"

# Windows
$ builder-init "%cd%\..\builder-react-component"

Automating Prompts

To facilitate automation, notably testing an archetype by generating a project with builder-init and running the project's tests as part of CI, there is a special --prompts=JSON_OBJECT flag that skips the actual input prompts and injects fields straight from a JSON object.

$ builder-init <archetype> \

Note that all required fields must be provided in the JSON object, no defaults are used, and the init process will fail if there are any missing fields. Tip: You will need a destination value, which is added to all prompts.

A working example is available at: builder-react-component/.travis.yml which initializes the archetype's templates for a fresh project with canned --prompts values, npm installs dependencies, then runs the same builder tasks used in the project's CI.

Archetype Templates

Authoring templates for an archetype consists of adding the following to your archetype source:

For example, in builder-react-component, we have a control file and templates as follows:


Archetype Data

Archetypes provide data for template expansion via an init.js file in the root of the archetype. The structure of the file is:

module.exports = {
  destination:  // A special prompt for output destination directory.
  prompts:      // Questions and responses for the user
  derived:      // Other fields derived from the data provided by the user

Note that builder-init requires destination output directories to not exist before writing for safety and initialization sanity.

Imports and Dependencies

The init.js file is require-ed from a temporary extracted directory containing the full archetype. However, an npm install is not run in the archetype directory prior to starting the initialization process. This means that you can require in:

Unfortunately, you cannot require third party libraries or things that may be found in <archetype>/node_modules/. (E.g., require("lodash")).

This is a good thing, because the common case is that you will need nearly none of the dependencies in init.js prompting that are used in the archetype itself, so builder-init remains lightening quick by not needing to do any npm install-ing.

There is a future ticket to consider supporting custom npm dependencies in the `init.js file.

User Prompts

User prompts and responses are ingested using inquirer. The prompts field of the init.js object can either be an array or object of inquirer question objects. For example:

module.exports = {
  // Destination directory to write files to.
  // This field is deep merged and added _last_ to the prompts so that archetype
  // authors can add `default` values or override the default message. You
  // could further override the `validate` function, but we suggest using the
  // existing default as it checks the directory does not already exist (which
  // is enforced later in code).
  destination: {
    default: function (data) {
      // Use the early `name` prompt as the default value for our dest directory

  prompts: [
      name: "name",
      message: "What is your name?",
      validate: function (val) {
        // Validate functions return `true` if valid.
        // If invalid, return `false` or an error message.
        return !!val.trim() || "Must enter a name!";
      name: "quest",
      message: "What is your quest?"

builder-init provides a short-cut of placing the name field as the key value for a prompts object instead of an array:

module.exports = {
  prompts: {
    name: {
      message: "What is your name?",
      validate: function (val) { return !!val.trim() || "Must enter a name!"; }
    quest: {
      message: "What is your quest?"

Note - Async: Inquirer has some nice features, one of which is enabling functions like validate to become async by using this.async(). For example:

name: {
  message: "What is your name?",
  validate: function (val) {
    var done = this.async();

    // Let's wait a second.
    setTimeout(function () {
      done(!!val.trim() || "Must enter a name!")
    }, 1000);

Derived Data

Archetype authors may not wish to expose all data for user input. Thus, builder-init supports a simple bespoke scheme for taking the existing user data and adding derived fields.

The derived field of the init.js object is an object of functions with the signature:

derived: {
  // - `data`     All existing data from user prompts.
  // - `callback` Callback of form `(error, derivedData)`
  upperName: function (data, cb) {
    // Uppercase the existing `name` data.

Special Data and Scenarios

.npmignore, .gitignore, etc.

The Problem

Special files like .npmrc, .npmignore, and .gitignore in an init/ templates directory are critical to the correct publishing / git lifecycle of a created project. However, publishing init/ to npm as part of publishing the archetype and even initializing off of a local file path via npm pack does not work well with the basic layout of:


The problem is that the .npmignore affects and filters out files that will be available for template use in an undesirable fashion. For example, in builder-react-component which has an .npmignore which includes:


natural npm processes would exclude all of the following template files:


Adding even more complexity to the situation is the fact that if npm doesn't find a .npmignore on publishing or npm pack it will rename .gitignore to .npmignore.

The Solution

To address this, we have special derived values built in by default to builder-init. You do not need to add them to your init.js:

In your archetype init directory you should add any / none of these files with the following names instead of their real ones:


As a side note for your git usage, this now means that init/.gitignore doesn't control the templates anymore and your archetype's root .gitignore must appropriately ignore files in init/ for git commits.

<archetype>/package.json, <archetype>/dev/package.json

There is often a "chicken vs. egg" situation of an archetype under update vs. the init/ templates installed from and using the archetype. To help a variety of situations, we provide a special archetype data variable with the following data:

  package       // `<archetype>/package.json` if it exists, else `{}`
  devPackage    // `<archetype>/dev/package.json` if it exists, else `{}`

This enables you to have "always correct" version values for init/package.json by doing something like:

  "dependencies": {
    "builder": "^2.5.0",
    "builder-react-component": "<%= archetype.package.version ? '^' + archetype.package.version : '*' %>"
  "devDependencies": {
    "builder-react-component-dev": "<%= archetype.devPackage.version ? '^' + archetype.devPackage.version : '*' %>",

In your template content.

Templates Directory Ingestion

As a preliminary matter, init/ is the out-of-the box templates directory default for a special prompts variable _templatesDir. You can override this in an init.js either via prompts (allowing a user to pick a value) or derived data. Either of these approaches can choose 1+ different directories to find templates than the default init/.

builder-init mostly just walks the templates directory of an archetype looking for any files with the following features:

builder-init tries to intelligently determine if files in the templates directory are actually text template files with the following heuristic:

  1. Inspect the magic numbers for known text files and opportunistically the byte range of the file buffer with If binary bytes detected, don't process.
  2. Inspect the magic numbers for known binary types with If known binary type detected, don't process.
  3. Otherwise, try to process as a template.

If this heuristic approach proves too complicated / problematic, we'll consider a more significant revision of processing with something more heavy-handed like an opt-in file naming scheme or a blessed "unprocessed" directory (such as init-raw/).

Template Parsing

builder-init uses Lodash templates, with the following customizations:

The Lodash templates documentation can be found at:

And, here's a quick refresher:


var compiled = _.template("Hi <%= user %>!");
console.log(compiled({ user: "Bob" }));
// => "Hi Bob!"
var compiled = _.template(
  "Hi <%=, function (u) { return u.toUpperCase(); }).join(\", \") %>!");
console.log(compiled({ users: ["Bob", "Sally"] }));
// => Hi BOB, SALLY!

JavaScript Interpolation

var compiled = _.template(
  "Hi <% _.each(users, function (u, i) { %>" +
    "<%- i === 0 ? '' : ', ' %>" +
    "<%- u.toUpperCase() %>" +
  "<% }); %>!");
console.log(compiled({ users: ["Bob", "Sally"] }));
// => Hi BOB, SALLY!

File Name Parsing

In addition file content, builder-init also interpolates and parses file names using an alternate template parsing scheme, inspired by Mustache templates. (The rationale for this is that ERB syntax is not file-system compliant on all OSes).

So, if we have data: packageName: "whiz-bang-component" and want to create a file-system path:


The source archetype should contain a full file path like:


builder-init will validate the expanded file tokens to detect clashes with other static file names provided by the generator.

Tips, Tricks, & Notes

npmrc File

If you use Private npm, or a non-standard registry, or anything leveraging a custom npmrc file, you need to set a user (~/.npmrc) or global ($PREFIX/etc/npmrc) npmrc file.

builder-init relies on npm pack under the hood and runs from a temporary directory completely outside of the current working directory. So, while npm info <module> or npm pack <module> would work just fine with an .npmrc file in the current working directory, builder-init will not.

Archetype Development Guide

There is a "chicken vs. egg" problem when developing changes to both an archetype and the init/ templates. Here is a workflow that should be appropriate for most scenarios using builder-react-component as an example.

First, npm link your archetype and its -dev version if applicable.

# Link prod archetype
$ cd /PATH/TO/builder-react-component
$ npm link

# Link dev archetype (if you have one)
$ cd dev
$ npm link

Next, install off directory in workspace of your choosing:

$ npm install -g builder-init
$ builder-init /PATH/TO/builder-react-component
# ... answer prompts, etc.

[builder-init] New builder-react-component project is ready at: PROJECT_NAME

Then, change to project directory, npm link as appropriate and install.

$ npm link builder-react-component
$ npm link builder-react-component-dev
$ npm install

You can check you are using the appropriately symlinked modules on Mac/Linux with:

$ ls -l node_modules | grep ^l
lrwxr-xr-x   1 USER  COMPUTER Users    64 Jan 29 16:20 builder-react-component -> ../../../../.nvm/v4.2.4/lib/node_modules/builder-react-component
lrwxr-xr-x   1 USER  COMPUTER Users    68 Jan 29 16:20 builder-react-component-dev -> ../../../../.nvm/v4.2.4/lib/node_modules/builder-react-component-dev

All actions in your generated project will now use your "under development" archetype on your local filesystem.

Side Note - our CI checks for initializing a new project from scratch for archetypes like builder-react-component pretty much follows this exact scheme. See our above section on Automating Prompts for links and other setup information.