FormidableLabs / formidable-landers

One header and one footer to rule over them all.
14 stars 4 forks source link

Formidable Landers

Welcome to the HQ of maintaining our visible Formidable projects!

Visit the Wiki

Quick Start

We use yarn, so make sure to have a current version installed, then install this project.

$ npm install -g yarn

$ yarn install

Demo the header and footer components by running:

$ yarn demo

and visit http://localhost:5678/.


Quality checks

The usual:

$ yarn run lint
$ yarn run test

# ... or all together ...
$ yarn run check

Kicking the Tires

Before publishing, if you want to test the changes you’ve made to formidable-landers, you can build what you have and use npm link in the repo where you want to see teh changes.

In formidable-landers, run:

$ yarn build

then run:

$ npm link

Then, in a repo you want to test, such as, run:

$ npm link formidable-landers

and you should see your changes! 🎉

If npm link is being futzy or giving you problems, take a look at lank which requires a bit more learning curve and setup, but produces a far more manageable and reliable way of working with multiple dependent repos at the same time.


When publishing, please make sure to install and use npm@5.6.0 to preserve file timestamp metadata as it is required for our overall website build and versions subsequent to 5.6.0 intentionally destroy this metadata:

$ npm install -g npm@5.6.0
$ npm --version
  1. Merge your PR into master.
  2. Add a new version
    $ npm version major|minor|patch -m "Version %s - INSERT_REASONS"
  3. Publish
    $ npm publish
  4. Push commit with tags
    $ git push && git push --tags

Made with love by Formidable

Maintenance Status

Archived: This project is no longer maintained by Formidable. We are no longer responding to issues or pull requests unless they relate to security concerns. We encourage interested developers to fork this project and make it their own!