FormidableLabs / webpack-disk-plugin

Webpack disk plugin
MIT License
14 stars 1 forks source link

Webpack Disk Plugin

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This plugin will take an arbitrary Webpack compiler asset (e.g., a JS, CSS, HTML, or other plugin-generated file) and write it directly to disk.

Normally this wouldn't be needed, but a specific good use case is when using webpack-dev-server that only has files available in memory over a network and you need to access a real file on disk. Potential situations where this comes up is in development with a Node.js server on the backend that ingests a webpack-produced file.


The plugin is available via npm:

$ npm install --save webpack-disk-plugin


The plugin hooks in to the after-emit event and writes any specified assets to the real underlying file system.


The files array is composed of objects of the form:



Additional examples are provided in: demo/webpack.config.js. If you have a clone of this repository with devDependencies, you can run:

# Output using `webpack`
$ npm run build-demo-wp

# Output using `webpack-dev-server`
$ npm run build-demo-wds

and see the results in the demo directory.


Here's a basic use case that copies and renames one file.

var DiskPlugin = require("webpack-disk-plugin");

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    // Everything else **first**.

    // Write out asset files to disk.
    new DiskPlugin({
      output: {
        path: "build"
      files: [
        { asset: "stats.json" },
        { asset: /[a-f0-9]{20}\.main\.js/, output: { filename: "file.js" } }


Here's an advanced use case that has nested directories and functionally renames files:

var DiskPlugin = require("webpack-disk-plugin");

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    // Everything else **first**.

    // Write out asset files to disk.
    new DiskPlugin({
      output: { path: "build" },
      files: [
        { asset: "stats.json", output: { filename: "nested/stats.json" } },
          asset: /[a-f0-9]{20}\.main\.js/,
          output: {
            // Custom namer: invert the hash.
            filename: function (name) {
              return "main." + name.match(/[a-f0-9]{20}/)[0] + ".js";


Contributions welcome! Make sure to pass $ npm run check.