Formulae-Litterae-Chartae / formulae-capitains-nemo

This is the class extension "NemoFormulae" for flask_nemo (
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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This is the class extension "NemoFormulae" for flask_nemo.

A working instance of this extension for the Formulae - Litterae - Chartae Project can be found at

Getting Started

Further information:

Runnning the app locally:

  1. Clone the repositories:
    1. formulae-capitains-nemo (code-base)
    2. formulae-corpora (texts) (ideally in the same folder e.g., git as the code base)
  2. Setup the environment:
    1. Create a Python virtualenv (e.g., virtualenv --python=python3 ~/envs),
    2. activate the virtualenv (e.g., source ~/envs/bin/activate)
    3. install the requirements via pip install -r requirements.txt within in the venv and from the formulae-capitains-nemo folder
  3. If the requirements have been installed properly, you can launch python within the env and in formulae-capitains-nemo folder
  4. Reach the site via
  5. Only if needed: Set the environment variable CORPUS_FOLDERS and re-start the app.

How are static files handled?

How to run the SPHINX-docs locally:

  1. Install sphinx:
  2. Build the project: sphinx-build -M html docs/source/ docs/build/
  3. Open docs/build/html/index.html with your preferred browser: firefox docs/build/html/index.html