FormulasQuestion / moodle-qtype_formulas

Formulas question type for Moodle
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Formulas question type for Moodle

Automated code checks Automated acceptance tests Automated unit tests Coverage Status GitHub

This is a question type plugin for Moodle with random values and multiple answer fields. The answer fields can be placed anywhere in the question so that we can create questions involving various answer structures such as coordinate, polynomial and matrix. Other features such as unit checking and multiple subquestions are also available.

These functionalities can simplify the creation of questions in many fields related to mathematics, numbers and units, such as physics and engineering.

This question type was written by Hon Wai Lau and versions for Moodle 1.9 and 2.0 are still available at the original author's website at the date of this writing. It was then upgraded to the new question engine introduced in Moodle 2.1 by Jean-Michel Védrine.

This version is compatible with Moodle 3.9 and newer. It has been tested with:


You will need to install Tim Hunt's Adaptive question behaviour for multi-part questions (qbehaviour_adaptivemultipart) prior to installing the formulas question type. You can also get it from GitHub.

You absolutely need version 3.3 or newer of this behaviour, the formulas question type will not work with previous versions.


Installation from the Moodle plugin directory (prefered method)

  1. Download the plugin from the Moodle plugin directory.
  2. Install as any other Moodle question type plugin.

Installation Using Git

To install using git type these commands in the root directory of your Moodle install:

$ git clone git:// question/type/formulas
$ echo '/question/type/formulas/' >> .git/info/exclude

Installation From Downloaded ZIP file

Alternatively, download the zip and unzip it into the $MOODLE_ROOT/question/type folder. Do not forget to rename the new folder to formulas.

Creating formulas questions

This question type is very powerful and permit creation of a wide range of questions. But mastering all the possibilities requires some practice and there is a learning curve on creating formulas questions.

Here are some pointers to the available help :

Reporting bugs, problems

Please open an issue on GitHub.

You can also open an issue in the Moodle Tracker

To create a new tracker issue:

  1. Log in and click on the Create button in the menu bar.
  2. Choose Plugins (CONTRIB) in the "Project" field.
  3. Set the "Component(s)" field to Question type: Formulas.
  4. Try to include as many details as you can so that the problem can be reproduced.