FortiNDR-Cloud / FNC-Python-Library

MIT License
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FNC Python Library

version: v1.0.4


Create a pip installable package (currently used by splunk integration)

python3 sdist

Create a wheel file (currently used by qradar integration)

python3 bdist_wheel


Install the package

pip install dist/com.fortinet.fndrc.integrations.python_client-1.*.tar.gz

To install to a specific directory use the --targetargument.

pip install --target <directory> dist/com.fortinet.fndrc.integrations.python_client-1.*.tar.gz



Fetch all raw events from metastream for the specified event type in the specified day. fetch_events_by_day() is a generator function that produces a series of events usable in a for-loop or that can be retrieved one at a time with the next() function.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone

from metastream import fetch_events_by_day

day = - timedelta(days=2)
for events in fetch_events_by_day(name='splunk', event_type='observation', day=day, account_code='chf'):
    print(f'num events: {len(events)}')


Property Type Required Default Description
name string true A name that will be used in the s3 user-agent string.
day datetime true The day to download events from. Time is ignored if given. Timezone is required.
event_type string true The event type to download. Possible values are 'observation', 'suricata'
account_code string true The customer account code.
api_token string true The customer’s account API Token.
access_key string true AWS access key for authentication.
secret_key string true AWS secret access key for authentication
limit int false no limit The maximum number of events to fetch.
bucket string true fortindr-cloud-metastream Bucket from where to retrieve the events
context Context false An object that stores specific session wide data such a metrics and checkpoint.

Return Value

See fetch_events return value.


Fetch raw events from metastream for the specified event type since the specified start date. The start date must be less than a day before and it must have the timezone information or UTC will be assumed by default. fetch_events() is a generator function that produces a series of events usable in a for-loop or that can be retrieved one at a time with the next() function.


from metastream import fetch_events, fetch_event_types
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

for events in fetch_events(event_types=fetch_event_types(), account_code='abc', - timedelta(days=2)):
    # process events ...
    _ = events


Property Type Required Default Description
name string true A name that will be used in the s3 user-agent string.
start_date datetime false current time minus 5 minutes The time to restrict results based on their timestamp. Must be less than a day. Value must have timezone info.
event_type string true 'observation' 'suricata' The event type to download. Possible values are observation, suricata.
account_code string true The customer account code.
api_token string true The customer’s account API Token.
access_key string true AWS access key for authentication.
secret_access_key string true AWS secret access key for authentication
limit int false no limit The maximum number of events to fetch.
bucket string true fortindr-cloud-metastream Bucket from where to retrieve the events
context Context false An object that stores specific session wide data such a metrics and checkpoint.

Return value


response = [
     {'timestamp': '2022-10-16T21:59:53.998000Z',
      'uuid': '24fd131ec-85c9-4af0-b810-c541d2eff5a1',
      'event_type': 'observation',
      'customer_id': 'cid',
      'sensor_id': 'sid',
      'source': 'Fortinet',
      'evidence_start_timestamp': '2022-10-16T21:59:53.998000Z',
      'evidence_end_timestamp': '2022-10-16T22:59:54.814000Z',
      'observation_uuid': 'bf1e1203-ed35-4f22-865d-89e75a1c174a',
      'title': 'TCP Device Enumeration',
      'category': 'relationship',
      'confidence': 'high',
      'src_ip': '',
      'src_ip_enrichments': {'internal': True,
                             'geo': {'location': {'lat': 37.3541069,
                                                  'lon': -121.955238},
                                     'country': None,
                                     'subdivision': None,
                                     'city': None},
                             'asn': None,
                             'annotations': None},
      'dst_ip': None,
      'dst_ip_enrichments': None,
      'geo_distance': None,
      'sensor_ids': ['chf1'],
      'evidence_iql': 'flow:ip = AND proto = "tcp" AND customer_id = '
                      '"cid" AND timestamp >= t"2022-10-16T21:59:53.998Z" AND '
                      'timestamp <= t"2022-10-16T22:59:54.814Z"',
      'context': '{"Lowest '
                 'ports":["0","1","2","3","4","5","7","9","11","13","15","17","18","19","20","21","23","24","25","27","29","31","33","35","37","38"],"Count '
                 'of distinct hosts":16646,"Duration (seconds) of '
                 'activity":"3600.816","Average duration (seconds) between '
      'intel': None,
      'class': 'specific'}


Property Type Required Description
events array[ Event ] false An array of events is returned from each call until all events have been returned.