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Redesign icons and other artwork #4

Closed MacGyverNL closed 4 months ago

MacGyverNL commented 7 months ago


Up-front: I am not a lawyer. But my understanding of forks of FLOSS software is that usually, the branding and artwork is not covered by the GPL.

I don't want to add to the high-priority things here, but considering the party that upstream is getting sold to, it would probably be wise to figure out the copyright- and trademark-status of the artwork and branding present in the repositories and get replacements in place.

naveensingh commented 7 months ago

Hey, thanks for pointing this out. I believe most if not all of it was designed by Tibor himself but I think it's safe to assume that the new company has the right to the artwork material. I was slowly going to replace them anyway as I have some experience in that area.

LucaRed commented 7 months ago

I agree we need new icons, not only for licensing reasons, but also to appear different.

This is a new project and it deserves its own identity.

RustoMCSpit commented 7 months ago

yeah the most important thing right now is actually branding, all the app icons will need to be redone for a start. if anyone is good with vector art and creating consistently stylised icons feel free to pull request.

(not saying icons are the only part of branding needing to be changed, all of it has to be)

blu256 commented 7 months ago

I have some experience with vector graphics and I'd like to try creating icons. If I have the time, I might make a draft and open a PR for discussion.

RustoMCSpit commented 7 months ago

all icons must be submitted asap to icon pack makers and they need to support custom android theming

RustoMCSpit commented 7 months ago

we should have a mascot and pull request it to supertuxkart and supertuxparty

RustoMCSpit commented 7 months ago

we should have a mascot and pull request it to supertuxkart and supertuxparty

if any musicians are here a leitmotif would be cool, we can have a poll on what theyll be

inson1 commented 7 months ago

@blu256 Maybe you should start with sketches and discussion, if you want work on that :), so you dont spend on that hours or days or more and community wouldnt like :)

naveensingh commented 7 months ago

@blu256 sure, you can try creating a PR if you have the time. I don't want to change the icons too much from SMT, we'll probably just change the color or use gradient for the background. We'll use rounded material icons for the foreground vector where possible.

Nexusnui commented 7 months ago

This was my idea for a color scheme: mic_icon_small The Icon itself would still need to change, but the colors I used are: Symbol: #098D9C Backround:#B5F774

naveensingh commented 7 months ago

Green! Check the project logo.

Unless we have a willing UI/UX designer, I'll be doing something similar to the following but with a green background:

(Icons are from my past app experiments)

nikhilmwarrier commented 7 months ago

Google's Material Icons are under Apache 2.0. That means we can use them in app logos, right?

It will save a lot of time if we just take those icons and put them over a green background. Maybe something like this?


naveensingh commented 7 months ago

@nikhilmwarrier I want the apps to look more vibrant. I'll post a few examples later.

naveensingh commented 7 months ago

The colors could use some fine-tuning but I did these examples to see what looks better, which one do you guys think looks best?

imalonelynerd commented 7 months ago

The ones with the lime background looks good

naveensingh commented 7 months ago

Sorry, I'm told I'm good with colors but bad at recognizing them by name :smiley:

@lonelynerd do you mean the first one?

imalonelynerd commented 7 months ago

Second 👌

ronniedroid commented 7 months ago

I like the icons in the middle, the white on lime-green, but maybe #64a157 for the background and #e6e6e6 for the foreground? let's see how they look with those colors.

Could you also please try #64a157 for background and #0f2412 for foreground?

tswistak commented 7 months ago

The first one (green gradient) looks nice. However, with published apps, please remember to keep an option for having B&W icons 😄

imalonelynerd commented 7 months ago

Group 4 I had an idea for the icon style, with a slight depth effect. What do you think ?

naveensingh commented 7 months ago

First batch: background: #64a157, foreground: #e6e6e6 Second batch: background: #64a157, foreground: #0f2412 Third batch: Random greenish gradient.

ronniedroid commented 7 months ago

I like both the first and the second, but I think I like the first more.

I think if we add some shadow or border to the inner icon of the second one it will look nicer.

naveensingh commented 7 months ago

@lonelynerd SMT icon had shadows:

naveensingh commented 7 months ago

Let's leave these here for people to comment on, I'll test both the #fffffff and #e6e6e6 versions on a real device to see which looks better. Maybe we'll also add 45° shadows like done in SMT and other material apps, it'll probably look better since the background is flat and not a gradient.

naveensingh commented 7 months ago

We need a new project logo as well. When I chose the above keyhole as the project logo, I wasn't aware (call it ignorance) that it was a registered trademark of the Open Source Initiative.

imalonelynerd commented 7 months ago

Group 32 How about something along these lines ?

ronniedroid commented 7 months ago

A Phoenix Rising: Idea for the projects logo.

This has some alignment issues, but it is just to showcase the idea.

logo logo-vert logo-hori

RustoMCSpit commented 7 months ago

hold on we're forgetting that you can set what you want the icon of an app to be inside the app. signal does this for example

RustoMCSpit commented 7 months ago

We need a new project logo as well. When I chose the above keyhole as the project logo, I wasn't aware (call it ignorance) that it was a registered trademark of the Open Source Initiative.

it would have to be the mascot logically

RustoMCSpit commented 7 months ago

is a phoenix what the mascot will be?

naveensingh commented 7 months ago

@ronniedroid it looks good. The idea of a phoenix is great as well. Is this auto-generated or handmade? Can we make it so that the whole thing is a little easier to picture? It took me a while before I could see the Phoenix, without reading the text, I thought it was some sort of candle XD.

naveensingh commented 7 months ago

@RustoMCSpit is the phoenix not enough? What is a mascot? I don't understand half of the terms you used in that other thread :(

imalonelynerd commented 7 months ago

A Phoenix Rising: Idea for the projects logo.

This has some alignment issues, but it is just to showcase the idea.

logo logo-vert logo-hori

Not bad, but the wings need to be a bit more visible and "obvious" at first glance

naveensingh commented 7 months ago

Group 32 How about something along these lines ?

@lonelynerd is that a leaf? We are not saving the environment here nerd boy :laughing:

ronniedroid commented 7 months ago

Generated then modified

Yes, we can make the wings look feathered.

I will do it tomorrow and also share the SVGs.

ronniedroid commented 7 months ago

@RustoMCSpit is the phoenix not enough? What is a mascot? I don't understand half of the terms you used in that other thread :(

Yes, we can later make a little colorful, stylized and more 3d phoenix as a mascot.

A Mascot is a symbol (usually an animal) of a project.

Think Rust and the Crab.

imalonelynerd commented 7 months ago

It is indeed a leaf 😅, I thought since you wanted to name the project after something pure, quick (i.e snappy), ... a leaf would make sense

naveensingh commented 7 months ago

General info (will add to the contribution guidelines): "If you can, use <img src="url_here" width=200 /> for large images to avoid posting large posters and cluttering the issues"

Also, we are about to hit 500 followers, yay.

imalonelynerd commented 7 months ago

Do you think it's a good idea to "split" the discussion into 2 separate ones, one for the icons, one for the project logo ?

naveensingh commented 7 months ago

I was going to create a separate thread for the project logo but then I didn't. Let's keep artwork, logo, icon related stuff here. I think the more we split things up, the more time we will spend on perfecting individual items. Some things can be perfected later.

naveensingh commented 7 months ago

Anyway, unlike the name thread, it's quiet here :)

naveensingh commented 7 months ago

hold on we're forgetting that you can set what you want the icon of an app to be inside the app

@RustoMCSpit we're only changing the default icon color so that it isn't the same as SimpleMobileTools's brand color anymore. The rest of the icon color options will be the same as before.

naveensingh commented 7 months ago

@ronniedroid Github's Comment button has a nice background color too: #418154

12people commented 7 months ago

@naveensingh Please be mindful of accessibility needs when choosing colors.

Passing at least WCAG AA for graphical objects should be a priority:

Of the last few proposed color combinations:

MacGyverNL commented 7 months ago

Anyway, unlike the name thread, it's quiet here :)

Maybe if you didn't open the issue and haven't been neglecting your mailbox 😂

I'm gonna unsubscribe from the issue because I have nothing useful to actually contribute here. Feel free to change the title to "rebranding discussion" or somesuch?

Secret-chest commented 7 months ago

We should use material colours, I think.

inson1 commented 7 months ago

Hey I liked better green logo on white background thb

Secret-chest commented 7 months ago


inson1 commented 7 months ago

yes @naveensingh please change the name for something more clear (to what is going on here) like - "New logo and icons disscussion" or "Rebranding discussion"

imalonelynerd commented 7 months ago

Since the apps are using MD3, do you think it's a good idea to make the default icon app Material You compliant ?