Fragtality / Fenix2GSX

GSX Integration for the Fenix A320
MIT License
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Refuelling stops immediately #11

Closed KBtwentytwenty closed 1 year ago

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

I downloaded this last night, it’s really cool! Thanks for your work.

I’ve come across an issue (maybe user error) where the refuelling stops almost immediately after starting. I have followed the readme exactly and tried with the advised options disabled and enabled. If I have 3000kg in the tank and the required is 9000kg, for example, the fuel truck connects, loads 28kg, (or whatever I set the number at) and then ceases the fuelling and drives off.

As I mentioned above, thanks for this, would just be really nice to be able to have fuelling work, so any help is appreciated. Cheers!

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

Hmm, that is strange! It should load the Amount planned by SimBrief. Is the SB Flightplan also in kg?

The Log-File from the Time where it happened would maybe be useful (Fenix2GSX.log).

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago


The SB fp is also in kg, all the settings are according to the readme. I've tried with different fp's and after restarting, etc. Log says waiting for next truck, but that never comes. Thanks for the fast response.

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

Does it work on a Parking Position with Underground Fuel?

Does the Fuel on the Plane actually change (on the ECAM)? Maybe the Binary is blocked by some kind of Security/Firewall Software.

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

I have only tried at an underground fuel. It refuels by on the efb, and on the ecam, but with 2 different values.

image image

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

To add to my previous comment, it seems the fuel on the efb decreases, and the ecam doesn't, whilst still showing the refueling message.

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

That's normal for the ECAM, it does not show the last digit and does a bit of rounding.

What I find strange is the Cargo - it is nearly twice as much as planned and Cargo is already loaded before the Passengers. Seems like something (or someone?) else is manipulating the Mass and Balance of the Plane!?

To add to my previous comment, it seems the fuel on the efb decreases, and the ecam doesn't, whilst still showing the refueling message.

That does not make Sense at all. The Fuel Amount will always progressively increase. The only time it is reduced is when your current FOB is over the planned Amount, but that happens instantly (and already before the Truck arrives)

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

Please send me Screenshots for the GSX Settings and Aircraft Profile:

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

image image

I have also tried with the suggested settings disabled image

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

Hmm, looking normal on first Glance.

What other Addons are you using / running? (Functional, so not Sceneries and Airplanes)

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

I have fs2crew installed, but haven't opened it since installing your addon. Aside from that, nothing except live traffic, gsx and airport. I'm not sure why the mass and balance was so high in the last screenshot, but i restarted the game and it sorted itself.

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

Only thing i could think of, is does your program select the incorrect fuel option from the menu, ie not the one with the simbrief amount?

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

It takes the planned Amount as known by the Fenix. Which Menu?!

Is Fs2Crew running?

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

Sorry, should have been more specific. I thought your program selected an option from the gsx menu, but as you say its the fenix planned fuel, so that cant be the case. And no, fs2crew isnt running and hasnt been running since i installed your addon

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

Been trying to troubleshoot a bit more since yesterday. Reinstalled the app - same problem occurs Pressed request refueling manually in gsx menu after the app sent for automatically - same problem occurs

In the logs, it says 'waiting for next truck' but that makes no sense as it's an underground fueling spot

Every time i manually press 'request refuelling', the amount in tanks increases by 20kg. Boarding does not automatically start as I assume the program knows the refueling hasnt completed? ECAM shows refueling indefinitely, suggesting the program knows it hasnt finished?

Hopefully this helps you understand what my problem could be. I definitely think it isn't down to user error.

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

Oh and left it running a bit longer and the fuel is taken out of the tanks! Shown on both ECAM and EFB

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

Hopefully this helps you understand what my problem could be. I definitely think it isn't down to user error.

1) No, since repeating the same Steps or calling an already called Service does not make any Difference to the Situation and it is clear that it yields the same Results. That kind of Troubleshooting does not give any Hints, because you did not really try/do something in a different Way. 2) No, since I already know the Cause: GSX is led to believe it can already disconnect the Fuel Hose. The Root-Cause for that is unclear. 3) Well, we can call it Setup-Specific-Error if that makes it more comfortable. But if it would be a general or common Bug it would have been already known and either fixed or documented by now.

Oh and left it running a bit longer and the fuel is taken out of the tanks! Shown on both ECAM and EFB

APU Running? Does it run every Time you used the Tool? What is your Default-State for the Plane?

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

Sorry, didn't mean for the user error part to sound ignorant, I just can't see what I could have done wrong!

Default is cold and dark and then I switch on the plane before syncing flight plan. I now realise my dumb self forgot the apu needs fuel (duh) so thats that 'problem' fixed.

Are there any steps I could do to help with troubleshooting? If not I'll just deal with it and hope that it fixes itself at some point or I find a fix. Thanks very much for your help and the addon!

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

Nothing to be sorry, I did not perceive that as ignorant - it should just express that we can not exclude anything at the Moment ;)

When you switch on the Plane - what exactly happens there (until you load the Flightplan in the EFB)?

I'm currently a bit out of Ideas to be honest - can't really grasp what might be the Trigger/Cause for GSX to disconnect the Hose so fast. That makes it hard to formulate any Troubleshooting Steps ^^

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

This is the process ->

  1. Load up MSFS, open Fenix2GSX, GSX opens along with the game
  2. Select Gate and load into world, press ready to fly
  3. Fenix2GSX connects, after 3 seconds repositioned. Jetway connets. Aircraft is cold and dark
  4. Ground Power on, batteries on, aircraft systems startup, standard procedure etc.
  5. Go to flypad, take from simbrief, underground fuel truck and catering arrive, connect.
  6. Fuel truck starts, runs for about 10 seconds or a couple dozen kilograms, disconnects.
  7. Catering vehicles and fuel truck drive off, boarding doesn't begin
Fragtality commented 1 year ago

What is "standard procedure etc." in Step 4?

I'm not so sure anymore that the Cause is GSX removing the Hose to early. Maybe it is correct since the FOB is not increasing anymore (also the Trigger during normal Operation of the Tool). But then I'm equally clueless at the Moment why the Binary would only increase the FOB one Time and then does not continue 🤔

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

GPU, Batteries, ADIRS, Lights, APU, and then i leave the plane alone whilst i wait for the fuel truck

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

image APU?!

Have you tried without starting the APU before Refueling? (Is not really necessary either ... your Power comes from the Ground and AC is provided through PCA)

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

I doubted the youtube tutorial i watched 2 years ago for the flybywire startup just then. Just did it with no apu, same outcome. All fuel pumps are off on the aircraft.

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

That's why I don't like YT Tutorials 😅 Though it is not entirely wrong. Most (european? bigger?) Airports prohibit / restrict the Usage of the APU, if there are other means for Power and AC. Company-SOPs on top of that also differ widely. But let's say you are on a remote Stand on a hot Summer Day ... then you probably want to and are allowed to start it for cooling the Cabin (if there is no Cart for PCA available at that Airport of course). You see: there is just no flat general Rule for that ;) That is why the default Settings of Fenix2GSX are like they are regarding PCA: It will be connected on Jetways, but on Stand without Jetway it will not be connected. Should be most of the Time right ^^

Damn - I somehow hopped that could be it :/

When you say "Lights" - that still means the Beacon is off, right?

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

Yeah man, I watched one tutorial when first learning the fbw, and stuck with the procedure ever since!

And yeah, only lights turned on are nav/logo and interior. Its really odd because Fenix2GSX knows it hasn't yet finished refueling, but gsx just doesnt continue. the log just ends here image

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

It is either GSX removing the Hose too early, or it is Fenix2GSX not continuing to increase the Fuel Amount (which would also trigger GSX). GSX does not know what the correct Fuel Amount is - it wait until the Fuel Amount stopped increasing. That's why a bit of Refuel-Synchronization could also be achieved before Fenix2GSX.

Which makes we wonder if that would work in your Setup ... ?! Do that Test without Fenix2GSX running at all:

Does the Fuel-Track also leave that early or does it wait until the FOB has reached the planned Amount?

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

Using realtime loading, the fuel truck doesnt leave until the planned FOB amount is loaded. No changes in procedure compared to when using Fenix2GSX.

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

Hmm 🤔

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

image filled all the way to planned, whereas using Fenix2GSX it would stop at around 3028kg and disconnect

FGrabi commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm facing exactly the same problems and symptoms. Only difference, I'm using fs2crew

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

Well, KBtwentytwenty also has fs2crew installed (but not opened). So it is one thing both of your Setups have in common 🤔

Have you also tried if the "Fuel-Synchronization" works without Fenix2GSX (see above for the Steps)? Would be interesting to know if that Behavior is the same in your Setup!

Also for you both: Please test if the Boarding-Integration would work. So start a Session with Fenix2GSX, but disable the Option that Refueling is called automatically before that. When you have imported the Flightplan in the EFB, call Boarding from the GSX Menu. Does that work?

But I'm still a bit clueless to be honest, I think I need to prepare a Version with more Logging-Outputs in the Hope that this would give some kind of Idea :/

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

Hi. Thanks for your addition FGrabi.

Just disabled Fenix2GSX automatic fuelling and manually called for boarding. Payload and PAX count sync as expected. This shows that its only a problem with refuelling, right?

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

Yeah, would be my Assumption too - so there is no general Error in the Communication with the Fenix at least!

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

Hopefully that narrows it down slightly for you! I am no dev whatsoever, I wish I could help more as this has really added to my flightsim experience in the short time I've been using it. Thanks for what you're doing :)

FGrabi commented 1 year ago

Hi, tested the following:

  1. Start MSFS without FENIX2GSX
  2. Placed Fenix C&D at Gate in KLAX (inibuilds Payware)
  3. Reposition Aircraft at Gate via GSX Menu
  4. Operate Jetway (GSX)
  5. Power on EFB
  6. SIM Settings in EFB (Standby:ISIS, Linked Baro, Brake FAN - Checked that weight in kg and distance metres)
  7. Start FS2CREW Fenix and RAAS - set callsign in FS2CREW
  8. Power Up Aircraft via FS2Crew (Battery, Firetest, ADIRS, Ground Pwr, NO-APU, Lights (NAV-Strobe/Auto,)
  9. Loading Simbrief Flightplan in EFB
  10. GSX - Request Refuel
  11. After a few seconds: GSX Request Catering
  12. Loading FP in MCDU and INIT-A,
  13. When Refuel Truck is connected (checked that hose is visible copnnected, worker stood still): Press Load Aircraft - Realtime)
  14. Truck starts refuel until FOB in one-go (Tank was 3.000, After refuel 11.822)

Will test the FENIX2GSX Boarding Integration without automatic refuel next

FGrabi commented 1 year ago

Test with Boarding:

  1. Start MSFS and Fenix2GSX (Autostart via MSFS-Addon-Linker)
  2. same as above
  3. Done by Fenix2GSX
  4. Done by Fenix2GSX
  5. to 9. same as above
  6. GSX - Request Boarding
  7. When Boarding Sound starts in GSX and GSX PAX Counter increases - press Load Aircraft Realtime in EFB
  8. Pax, cargo and fuel increase in EFB Pax out of sync with GSX - for sure, no fueltruck visible
  9. GSX finished boarding, cargo in EFB shows correct planned kg but PAX in EFB showing only 54 on board from 160 planed and loaded by GSX/Fenix2GSX
  10. After Boarding the refuel truck was requested by Fenix2GSX - the fuel in EFB was still "loading" missing ~2.000 kg
  11. Truck connected and automatically starts refuel (visible at the truck and by GSX Message).
  12. When planed fuel reached, truck disconnects and drive away
  13. PAX in EFB still "boarding"
  14. Stoped MSFS
Fragtality commented 1 year ago

Thanks! So the "manual Refuel Synchronization" works for you too.

To be brutally honest: the second Test is useless. It is either Loading via EFB or using the GSX-Integration. Using both is out of Scope. Please do it like described: Disable Auto-Refuel, Start Session, Load Flightplan in EFB, Request Boarding via GSX.

Would it be possibly for one of you to completely uninstall FS2Crew Fenix (RAAS is fine, I have that myself)? Maybe it still somehow active even when not opened?

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

Had a Chat with Fs2Crew: There might be something that could remotely possible have an Influence. There should be some kind of "Fuel Truck" Checkbox in your Fs2Crew Settings. Please uncheck that and test in a new Session after that! If that also does not help, please try the latest experimental Version of both Fenix Edition and RAAS (so that their WASM for L-Var Communications is not needed anymore).

Does any of these Recommendations make a Difference?

FGrabi commented 1 year ago

Thanks! So the "manual Refuel Synchronization" works for you too.

To be brutally honest: the second Test is useless. It is either Loading via EFB or using the GSX-Integration. Using both is out of Scope. Please do it like described: Disable Auto-Refuel, Start Session, Load Flightplan in EFB, Request Boarding via GSX.

Would it be possibly for one of you to completely uninstall FS2Crew Fenix (RAAS is fine, I have that myself)? Maybe it still somehow active even when not opened?


sorry for the useless test. I repeated the test with your described steps. Checked in FS2Crew the parameter in search of Fuel Truck. See screenshot:




Next I will try the actual experimantal version from fs2crew.

FGrabi commented 1 year ago

Installed FS2Crew Fenix experimental version. Reactivated Automatic Refuel after FP import. Start MSFS, Fenix2Crew Loop starts (reposition, jetway) waiting on FP import. Power up Aircraft with fs2crew. Import FP in EFB. Automatic Refuel request from Fenix2GSX - followed by Catering. Truck arrives, connected to the Tank and Aircraft. Fills in 86 kg (Initial Level 3000kg, planned 11272kg) Fuel truck disconnects and go away. Same message - waiting for next truck. Shortly after GSX message "Refuel finished". Calling a new truckl with GSX: Same result. Next test: I removed FS2Crew Fenix via FS2Crew Installer. Will disable FS2Crew Command Center during MSFS startup (via MSFS-Addon Linker, because EXE.XML does not work with programms that need admin rights) Will report results

FGrabi commented 1 year ago

Without FS2Crew (Deinstalled FENIX Version, no running Command Center) same problems. So it seems, that it is not an fs2crew problem Will try to test a little bit more with the GSX profile for the airport. Removed the GSX Profile for the airport. Same Problems.

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your Tests!

I don't think that GSX Profiles could cause that. They more or less only define which 3D Object and Animation is used for the Truck. The Mechanics are the same.

Admin Rights, huh? So what are you both starting with Administrator Rights and what with normal Rights? MSFS, GSX, Fenix, Fenix2GSX and FS2Crew (I only have RAAS) all run on the same normal User-Elevation for me without any Problem. And it would be not the first Strange Issue that would be caused by not running everything on the same Elevation (the first for Fenix2GSX, but not the first across my Tools).

FGrabi commented 1 year ago

Running most of the Applications without Admin rights:

With Admin Rights

Terminal-Rat commented 1 year ago

I'm also having this same issue. No FS2Crew, doing the manual fuel synchronization with GSX without Fenix2GSX works just fine. Nothing is set to run elevated.

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

Are any of you running any AI-Injecting Tools? FSLTL / FS Traffic / AIG / Default AI?

Terminal-Rat commented 1 year ago

Are any of you running any AI-Injecting Tools? FSLTL / FS Traffic / AIG / Default AI?

I have AIG models but I don't have it injecting anything. I also just tried with an empty community folder except for the fenix, GSX, and the mobiflight WASM module and it disconnected early again.

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

Are any of you running any AI-Injecting Tools? FSLTL / FS Traffic / AIG / Default AI?

All of the above, but not started

FGrabi commented 1 year ago

Running active in paralell to Fenix2GSX and couatl

Startet via MSFS AddonLinker

Startet via EXE.xml

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

So no real Commonality there :/

@Terminal-Rat @KBtwentytwenty : What about the AeroSoft VDGS Driver and FBW SimBridge? Do you run these too?

@FGrabi Have you tried without FSTLT and the AI-Tools?

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

I haven't got the VDGS driver installed, nor do I run SimBridge when using the Fenix. But that is installed