Fragtality / Fenix2GSX

GSX Integration for the Fenix A320
MIT License
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Refuelling stops immediately #11

Closed KBtwentytwenty closed 1 year ago

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

I downloaded this last night, it’s really cool! Thanks for your work.

I’ve come across an issue (maybe user error) where the refuelling stops almost immediately after starting. I have followed the readme exactly and tried with the advised options disabled and enabled. If I have 3000kg in the tank and the required is 9000kg, for example, the fuel truck connects, loads 28kg, (or whatever I set the number at) and then ceases the fuelling and drives off.

As I mentioned above, thanks for this, would just be really nice to be able to have fuelling work, so any help is appreciated. Cheers!

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

@KBtwentytwenty @FGrabi @Terminal-Rat Please download RC2 and enable Verbose Logging: In the File Fenix2GSX.dll.config, the key logLevel from Debug to Verbose. Please do me a Favor and either deactivate VHF1 Audio Control or make sure your VHF1 is running and has an Audio-Session open. (Else the Logs gets harder to read than neccessary) With that, do a "normal" Sim-Session. Wait some Time after the Refuel stopped and end the Session. Send me the Log of that Session.

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

Downloaded now, will report back soon

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

Ok so this is odd. I disabled VHF1 audio control and now it seems to be fuelling all the way, Hasn't finished yet and I'll still send the log here, but aside from that, no changes to starting procedure

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

Okay, that is strange oO And with VHF1 enabled?!

Terminal-Rat commented 1 year ago

Here's my log, of course it didn't do it this time... Only difference between this and previous times is that I'm using RC2 and I have the two audio options deselected. I also tried with the GSX audio control option selected, with that and VHF1 selected with a Vpilot session, and with that and VHF1 selected without a vpilot session and it didn't happen any of those times either. Fenix2GSX RC2 test 1.txt

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

Okay, that is strange oO And with VHF1 enabled?!

with VHF1 Enabled, the issue still occurs


KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

I still had the GSX audio option enabled, only change being to VHF1

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

Why do you say the Issue is still occuring, I can see in the Logs that the Refuel was working?

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

The issue occurs when VHF1 is enabled, as you asked here

Okay, that is strange oO And with VHF1 enabled?!

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

Then please the Log when the Issue (Refuel stops immediately) occurs :)

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

Fenix2GSX20230602.log with VHF1 enabled

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

I think I've found it ... there are so many Audio-Devices with so many Audio-Sessions that the Search for the VHF1 App takes so long that the Tool can't increase the Fuel in time.

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

Lol, that is so annoying! Such a simple answer and all caused because of the billion audio outputs I have. Now that I know the issue is with VHF1, I'll just keep it disabled. The addon works perfectly other than that, thanks for your help.

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

@KBtwentytwenty @FGrabi @Terminal-Rat Please try RC3 Does that work with Audio Control enabled but the VHF1 App not running?

Terminal-Rat commented 1 year ago

RC3 appears to have fixed the issue.

Fragtality commented 1 year ago


How does it work out for the other two? :)

FGrabi commented 1 year ago


sorry for the delay, was busy with my "real" job ;-)

Checked the RC3 version together with all my Addons. The RC3 version works perfect. Refuel and catering start after loading FP, Refuels the planned amount of Fuel, After 90 sec, boarding starts and is synced with the Fenix EFB, PAX boarding finished before cargo, but when the cargo was finished (GSX) the loaded Cargo in the EFB is still ~400kg less than the planned cargo. I believe This is most likely a "feature" of the Fenix Simbrief Integration. Will request support in the Fenix Discord.

I like to thank you for the support and for this excellent application!! Love it!

Question - enhancement request: Will it be possible - maybe in one of the future releases - to set the wait times for boarding and final loadsheet or include them in a loop depending on variables/triggers? Something like:

Thanks again Frank

Fragtality commented 1 year ago

Checked the RC3 version together with all my Addons. The RC3 version works perfect.

Well, due to the nature of the Bug, it would also be great to test without the VHF1 App running (but the Option being enabled). 😉

but when the cargo was finished (GSX) the loaded Cargo in the EFB is still ~400kg less than the planned cargo.

So it is 400kg less than what it shown in the EFB as planned (Mass & Balance)? NOT what is planned in SimBrief? I'll keep an Eye on it, never saw that Behavior before. 🤔

I like to thank you for the support and for this excellent application!! Love it!

Thanks 😃

Question - enhancement request: Will it be possible - maybe in one of the future releases - to set the wait times for boarding and final loadsheet or include them in a loop depending on variables/triggers?

yes-no. Sure that is doable. But I come to a point where I generally won't add/change any Automation Feature. Since everyone wants their personal Flow/Sequence of Services and the Tool is already at a Point, where it is debatable overloaded. So adding more and more Options to make every possible Flow configurable does not sound reasonable to me. But: since the Load-Integration/Synchronization of Fenix2GSX is always active, everyone has the Option do write their own Automation. (For example with FSUIPC in a Lua-Script)

Start boarding if refuel and catering is finished (message from GSX) and No-Smoking sign is switch to ON (after refuel) or after xx secons (adjustable config parameter)

That is only a slight nuance, since that is already the Case mostly. Sure, Fenix2GSX does not look for the Signs, but Boarding is started 90s after Refueling & Catering (if configured) are finished. Lower does not make sense, since the Fuel-Truck wont have left. A longer Delay also does not make that much sense, since the 90s are already too much for some (or even waiting for the Refuel to complete). Adding another Constraint to the Boarding-Start would not really improve the Ease-of-Use. So that would require an Option again.

Send final loadsheet if boarding (and refuel/catering) finished (GSX message) and APU bleed is on or after xx seconds (adjustable config parameter)

I don't really see the Benefit of adding another Constraint to the Final LS, especially to the APU on top of that. When Boarding/Refueling is finished (whoever called the Service), it will be send after a random Delay (90-150s). It even was made more independent in the recent Versions to allow different SOPs to be followed. So that again would require yet another Option.

KBtwentytwenty commented 1 year ago

Thanks, all is good. Appreciate your help and work