Fragtality / FenixQuartz

Get the Values of the Fenix A320 Quartz Displays!
MIT License
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This Tools reads the native Fenix L-Vars to compose the content of certain Quartz Displays in the Cockpit. The Display Contents are exported as FSUIPC Offsets.
Currently compatible with Fenix upwards and MSFS SU15.

Following Display-Values are available:


Download here (Under Assests, the FenixQuartz-Installer-vXYZ.exe File)

Installation / Update / Remove

Basically: Just run the Installer - it will extract it for you to a fixed Location and will also install/update the neccessary Software to your PC/Sim. It even setups Auto-Start and creates a Link on the Desktop, if you want.

You can choose directly in the Installer to extract a preconfigured Configuration File for each of these Modes during Installation/Update. First-Time Installations will default to String/Offset Mode if "Do not change" is selected. Choosing any other Option for Updating/Reinstalling will overwrite the whole existing Configuration File.

Some Notes:


You can also start FenixQuartz manually or by other means if you did not let the Installer configure an automatic Start. Either start it before MSFS or start when MSFS has finished loading and is in the Main Menu. It can safely be run with other Planes, it won't do anything besides checking every 15s if the Fenix-Binaries are running and then sleeps again. :wink:
NOTE: The Tool must be run with the same Elevation/User as MSFS and Fenix! If you for whatever Reason run them "as Admin", make sure to start that Tool also as Admin! It is not needed for the Tool itself, it runs just fine if everything is started with you normal User.

It does not open a Window when started, but you should see it in the System-Tray/Notification Area once it runs (a little "Q"). It is designed to run silently in the Background. It will stop itself when you exit MSFS.
When you right click on that Icon you have the option to manually close it or to force a Memory Scan manually.
When you left click on the Icon it will open its "Debug UI" displaying all Values as they are read from Memory. It is only really there to verify/troubleshoot found the correct Memory Locations (and uses valid Values).

When you use it for Quartz Displays you don't have to start a Memory-Scan manually - just start FenixQuartz and load up the Fenix and it will output the Display-Values to FSUIPC Offset or L-Vars (depending on the Configuration).

Usage with other 3rd Party Tools

FenixQuartz normally exports the Display-Values as formatted Strings for drawing them directly on the StreamDeck (the "String/Offset Mode"). The Output is directly "ready to use" since the Logic is already applied (displaying "----" instead of the Value or adding leading Zeros for example). You can customize that Output for your Software/Hardware with the altScaleDelim, addFcuMode or ooMode Options in the Configuration File.

NOTE: The Raw-Value Modes are now considered deprecated! They will be removed in the future Releases. Most Data can now be directly accessed via native Fenix L-Vars, so it is now only copying the Value from L-Var "A" to "B" mostly.

Regardless of Mode or Output: The Binary will create a File called Assignments.txt (located in %appdata%\FenixQuartz) when executed which will tell you the Name/Location of the Values (even when no Sim is running). Please note that this is in Accordance to the current Configuration, so you only see the Name/Location for the currently configured Mode and Output!


The Path Configuration File is located at %appdata\FenixQuartz\FenixQuartz.config and can be edited with any Text-Editor. Starting with Version 1.2 your current Configuration is preserved when updating.
The available Parameters are: