FrancoisDupayrat / JenkinsController

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JenkinsController, also called jc, is an utility to manage the testing of an app suite on a fleet on device.

The main goal is to know which version of which app is on which device.

It is designed to be integrated with a running Jenkins instance.



JenkinsController focus on Mac platform for now. You can build it using Xcode. It is tested on Mac OS X 10.8


To install JenkinsController, copy the jc file in /usr/bin (or any other location defined in your PATH environment variable).

The database will be saved in ~/Library/Application Support/jc

If you can't run jc, check the permissions (usually, chmod 777 jc will fix the problem)

After installing, don't forget to configure it using jc configure.


Run jc [command] to execute a command. See jc help for all the available commands

First, you should use jc configure to set the jc instance as either local or remote

Jenkins Configuration

To register the new app build, your app job need to:

Here is the script to do all that, using $BUILD_NUMBER to tag the version, and assuming you set $APP_NAME:

 #Check jc conf is on local
JC_CONF=$(jc configure -v | sed '1 s/Configuration: //' | sed '2d')
echo $JC_CONF
if [ $JC_CONF != local ]; then
echo "Please configure JC as local"
exit 1

#Copy apps for jc and update the app version on jc
JC_APP_PATH=$(jc configure -v | sed '2 s/App folder: //' | sed '1d')
cp -f /path/to/your.apk "$JC_APP_PATH/$APP_NAME.apk"
cp -f /path/to/your.ipa "$JC_APP_PATH/$APP_NAME.ipa"
jc update app $APP_NAME $BUILD_NUMBER