See Docker CE
apt-get install python-tk python-gst-1.0 python-dev libmysqlclient-dev
git clone
git submodule update --recursive --init
You must have docker compose installed inside a Python2 virtualenv
docker-compose up
We need to install tests dependencies inside container before run tests
docker-compose exec app bash -c 'pip install --no-cache-dir .[tests]'
docker-compose exec app bash -c './scripts/'
Now, we can launch all tests
docker-compose exec app bash -c 'py.test -Werror -x'
In case, we want to launch front tests only
docker-compose exec app bash -c 'py.test francoralite/apps/francoralite_front/tests/ -x'
docker-compose exec app bash -c './scripts/'
Replace 50000 with your Traefik listening port
With Traefik as reverse proxy, you can use explicit fqdn instead IP addresses.
During development, all services are accessible behind the reverse proxy but this must be change for the production deployment.
You MUST update the permission linked to these URLs