FrankLIKE / dfl2

Now dfl can use in Visual Studio .net.
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dfl2 is a GUI library for windows,which is based on D2 ,now D2.067b1.

linker libs:

user32.lib ole32.lib oleAut32.lib gdi32.lib Comctl32.lib Comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib uuid.lib ws2_32.lib.

How to start:

git clone


dub fetch dfl2 --local

The latest features:

1、dfl can be build by dco,and can get the 64 bit version.

2、dfl can be used in Visual Studio .net (here VS 2010), whose intellisense will help you very well(to look at the Screenshot),now it can debug in VD 0.3.39.

3、dfl can be used in DUB:

base work

You should copy the 'dfl2\source\dfl' folder to your 'dmd2\window\import'(if not exists,create it),and add importpath to sc.ini (after 'DFLAGS=', add "-I%@P%....\windows\import").

How to get the libs or exe files:

1、 Double click the 'build.bat',to get them in the folder,if your x64 can work,you can get the 64 bit version 'dfl64.lib'.(some things will be auto work)


2、run the dubbuild.bat in the path, to get them in 'debug' folder. or dub fetch dfl2,and run the dubbuild.bat in the path(C:\Users[yourUserName]\AppData\Roaming\dub\packages\dfl2-1.0.7)


3、Open the dfl.sln, and run the projects to get them in 'debug' folder and 'release' folder(Now,auto copy to the '$(DMDInstallDir)windows\lib' OR 'bin' folder ).

note: If you want to get the release version ,use dcobuild.bat. or vs2010 please.

New thing : dco.exe

'dco.exe' can create the batch processing info :

How to use the 'dco':

dco ↓


dco app.d


dco app.d -gui

more info : dco -h

more examples: git clone


in dco:

dfl2 In dco

in DUB:

dfl2 In DUB

in VS2010

dfl's intellisense in VS2010