"If your specifications are ambiguous, the greater the ambiguity, the easier the specifications are to satisfy (if the specifications are absolutely ambiguous, every program will satisfy them!"
Edsger Dijkstra https://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/transcriptions/EWD04xx/EWD447.html
Project trying to follow @pro_cessor's three universal rules for good code:
The rules aren't ordinal (hence a-aleph), but interact. Small units are easy to name and test. Good names favor small units. They work in every language.
Can't start Project.
Still thinking about a good name...
Call it a weasel, rename it later. Just make sure to keep everything small, and decomposed, but composable.
As in many other projects there are buzzword driven requirements added from totally clueless bystanders.
Missing Enterprise Feeling: https://github.com/FrankPfattheicher/WeaselHelper395/issues/1