FranzKrah / rMyCoPortal

rMyCoPortal - an R package to interface with the Mycology Collections Portal
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The MyCoPortal

The Mycology Collections data Portal (MyCoPortal) is a database of fungal diversity with records mainly from North America. For more - and detailed - information, please visit

The rMyCoPortal R package is an interface to the content stored on the MyCoPoral website. It allows to download records from the database readily in R for further analysis. It further provides some basic plotting functions. Below I will show the basic usability and some further possibilities of using the data.


Under the new MacOS Mojave there have been problems with the sf and raster package. The introduction vignette works fine under Sierra, Mojave and Windows10. However, the vignette application example might create errors under Mojave.

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit) Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6

Install rMyCoPortal



Before you start using rMyCoPortal, you need to install docker ( Docker performs virtualization, also known as "containerization". rMyCoPortal internally uses the R package RSelenium to create a Selenium Server from which the MyCoPortal website is addressed. Docker needs to run before using the rMyCoPortal.

How to use rMyCoPortal

Vignette 1: Introduction

Vignette 2: Example for Species Distribution modeling


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