Fraunhofer-AISEC / ids-clearing-house-service

This is an implementation of the IDS Clearing House
Apache License 2.0
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docker java rust

IDS Clearing House

The IDS Clearing House Service is a prototype implementation of the Clearing House component of the Industrial Data Space.

Data in the Clearing House is stored encrypted and practically immutable. There are multiple ways in which the Clearing House enforces Data Immutability:


The IDS Clearing House Service currently implements the Logging Service. Other services that comprise the Clearing House may follow. The Clearing House Service consists of two parts:

  1. Clearing House App
  2. Clearing House Processors

The Clearing House App is a REST API written in Rust that implements the business logic of the Clearing House. The Clearing House Processors is a library written in Java that integrates the Clearing House App into the Trusted Connector. The Clearing House Processors provide the multipart and idscp2 endpoints described in the IDS-G. These are used by the IDS connectors to interact with the Clearing House. Both Clearing House App and Clearing House Processors are needed to provide the Clearing House Service.


Trusted Connector

The Clearing House Service API requires a Trusted Connector Trusted Connector (Version 7.1.0+) for deployment. The process of setting up a Trusted Connector is described here. Using a docker image of the Trusted Connector should be sufficient for most deployments:

docker pull fraunhoferaisec/trusted-connector-core:7.2.0

The Clearing House Processors are written in Java for use in the Camel Component of the Trusted Connector. To configure the Trusted Connector for the Clearing House Service API, it needs access to the following files inside the docker container (e.g. mounted as a volume):

Besides those files that are specific for the configuration of the Clearing House Service API, the Trusted Connector requires other files for its configuration, e.g. a truststore and a keystore with appropriate key material. Please refer to the Documentation of the Trusted Connector for more information. Also, please check the Examples as they contain up-to-date configurations for the Trusted Connector.

Environment Variables

The Clearing House Processors can override some standard configuration settings of the Trusted Connector using environment variables. If these variables are not set, the Clearing House Processors will use the standard values provided by the Trusted Connector. Some of the variables are mandatory and have to be set:

Example Configuration (docker-compose)

    container_name: "tc-core"
    image: fraunhoferaisec/trusted-connector-core:7.1.0
    tty: true
    stdin_open: true
        - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
        - ./data/trusted-connector/application.yml:/root/etc/application.yml 
        - ./data/trusted-connector/
        - ./data/trusted-connector/ch-ids.p12:/root/etc/keystore.p12
        - ./data/trusted-connector/truststore.p12:/root/etc/truststore.p12
        - ./data/trusted-connector/clearing-house-processors-0.10.0.jar:/root/jars/clearing-house-processors.jar
        - ./data/trusted-connector/routes/clearing-house-routes.xml:/root/deploy/clearing-house-routes.xml
        TC_DAPS_URL: https://<my-daps-url>
        SERVICE_SHARED_SECRET: <shared-secret>
        SERVICE_ID_TC: <trusted-connector-id>
        SERVICE_ID_LOG: <logging-service-ic>

        - "8443:8443"
        - "9999:9999"
        - "29292:29292"

Docker Containers

The dockerfiles located here can be used to create containers for the services of the Clearing House App. There are two types of dockerfiles:

  1. Simple builds (e.g. dockerfile) that require you to build the Service APIs yourself using Rust
  2. Multistage builds (e.g. dockerfile) that have a stage for building the rust code

To build the containers check out the repository and in the main directory execute

docker build -f docker/<dockerfile> . -t <image-name>

Container Dependencies

Container Dependencies


Please read the configuration section of the service (Logging Service, Document API, Keyring API) you are trying to run, before using docker run oder docker-compose. All Containers build with the provided dockerfiles require at least one volume:

  1. The configuration file Rocket.toml is expected at /server/Rocket.toml

Containers of the Keyring API require an additional volume:

  1. /server/init_db needs to contain the default_doc_type.json

Containers of the Logging Service require an additional volume:

  1. The folder containing the signing key needs to match the path configured for the signing key in Rocket.toml, e.g. /sever/keys

Shared Secret

The Clearing House services use signed JWTs with HMAC and a shared secret to ensure a minimal integrity of the requests received. The Trusted Connector as well as the services (Logging Service, Document API, Keyring API) need to have access to the shared secret.

For production use please consider using additional protection measures.