FreaxMATE / mate-layouts

a simple panel layout switching application for the MATE Desktop
GNU General Public License v3.0
9 stars 3 forks source link
configuration customize gtk layout linux mate mate-desktop mate-layouts mate-panel opensource python switcher tweak

MATE Layouts

MATE Layouts Icon

MATE Layouts is a small panel layout switching application for the MATE Desktop.

This application makes it easy to quickly metamorphose your desktop to your favourite workflow. \ You are nostalgic and prefer a traditional experience? Check out the timeless, productive Gnome 2 desktop! \ Want to use the more trendy, innovative layouts? Maybe you should try the Contemporary or Cupertino layout!

MATE Layouts

MATE Layouts is written in Python with the GTK Toolkit and based on mate-tweak.




sudo pacman -S python-distutils-extra python-distro python-setproctitle

Debian / Ubuntu:

sudo apt install python3-pip python3-distutils python3-distutils-extra python3-psutil python3-setproctitle libnotify-dev dconf-cli

Build and Install from source

Using meson (preferred)

git clone
cd mate-layouts
meson build --prefix=/usr
cd build
sudo ninja install
# Uninstall
sudo ninja uninstall

Using Pip / python setuptools

git clone
cd mate-layouts
sudo pip3 install .
# Uninstall
sudo pip3 uninstall mate-layouts

on Debian as for now you have to use sudo python install instead of pip (you'll have to manually uninstall the application)


Copyright 2020 FreaxMATE

Licensed under the terms of the GPLv3 license: