Freddy444 / Songrating-Freddy.Max

MIT License
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We would like to use 4/5 of our late days to finsih (shall be done by sunday 10am

Music Rating WebApp

Welcome to the repo for our super cool project! This project is being worked on by Freddy Fabian and Max Oppenheimer. We're diving into the world of web development as part of the COMP 333: Software Engineering course at Wesleyan University.


Our mission is to design and implement a static website using HTML and CSS.

Project Description

We're creating an online music rating app where you can enter, rate, and review your favorite songs.



How to run the code

Setting up the Environment Locally

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 5 16 15 AM

Setting up the environment on infinityfree

setup our database again <img width="1440" alt="Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 6 05 58 AM" src="

Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 11 40 26 PM


Setup SSL for our website

Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 12 34 19 AM

Navigating of our Song rater

User data in PHPadmin

Paawords are hashed

Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 11 37 33 PM

Use Filezilla to upload files to file manager (FTP issue solved)

Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 11 40 51 PM

Our deployed website: