FreddyMSchubert / 42_minishell

Basic bash-esque shell 🐢 ~ because communicating with computers using aligned 1/0 switches is seriously irritating. 🤬 [42 PROJECT]
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minishell by nburchha & fschuber

CRASH minishell starting up

"Completely reliable & advanced shell"\ A mini BASH - recreation. Made by Frederick Schubert & Niklas Burchhardt.

Table of Contents


Open up a terminal.

Clone the repository:

git clone crash
cd crash

Compile the project:

make comp

Run the minishell:


If you want to exit:



Project introduction

The existence of shells is linked to the very existence of IT.\ At the time, all developers agreed that communicating with a computer using aligned 1/0 switches was seriously irritating.\ It was only logical that they came up with the idea of creating a software to communicate with a computer using interactive lines of commands in a language somewhat close to the human language.\ Thanks to Minishell, you’ll be able to travel through time and come back to problems people faced when Windows didn’t exist.


The Task

This is the biggest 42 project we've completed so far, and also the first large project as a team.

As always, for both the bonus and the main part of the task, we had to rigidly keep to the 42 norminette. Have a read, some rules in there are very restrictive.

The following features were to be implemented:

Our shell should

The readline() function can cause memory leaks. You don't have to fix them.

If you have any doubt about a requirement, take bash as a reference.

Especially that last line about bash was about to cost us many hours.

The Bonus

If you choose to do the bonus (we did), your program also has to implement:


The Approach / Implementation

Very similar to how bash handles its process, our program structure looks something like this:

expander -> lexer -> validator -> parser -> executor


Starting out, we only have the input string. This may look something like this: cat *.md | grep $USER. Before doing anything else, we need to change the actual content of the string in a couple ways.

  1. env expansions -> A $ followed by an environment variable key will transform into the environment variables value. => cat *.md | grep paul
  2. wildcard expansions -> Within the current working directory, you can select files more dynamically than just manually listing them by adding a which stands for any amount of any sequence of any characters. In our example, assuming we are currently in this repos main directory, .md would reference the files and => cat | grep paul

In the Expander, quotes are considered. For example, '$USER' would return out of the Expander as $USER, while "$USER" would expand to paul. Here, we also have to handle abominations such as echo "'""'$USER'""'". This example would output ''paul''.


Executing everything from a string sounds like a terrible idea. Instead, the lexer will identify the type of argument each part of the string is. In total, we differentiate between 10 different arguments in our shell:

Now, lets expand our example input String a bit to show off the Lexer a little bit better:

(cat | grep paul) && echo name is saved > output.txt

This String would be saved like this after the Lexer:

( -> TOK_OPEN_BRACE \ cat -> TOK_WORD \ -> TOK_WORD \ -> TOK_WORD \ | -> TOK_PIPE \ grep -> TOK_WORD \ paul -> TOK_WORD \ ) -> TOK_CLOSE_BRACE \ && -> TOK_LOG_AND \ echo -> TOK_WORD \ name -> TOK_WORD \ is -> TOK_WORD \ saved -> TOK_WORD \ > -> TOK_REDIR \ output.txt -> TOK_WORD

The lexer also considers


So far, we've only looked at valid commands. But of course, inputting )" && < echo '" && || >( shouldn't make our program light up in a firestorm of segfaults. \ The Validator checks the validity of a given command. If it's invalid, an appropriate error is outputted.


Before executing, we need to figure out what order to execute our inputs in. For this, we'll need to create an abstract syntax tree / binary tree. For our command, it would look as follows:

graph TD
    AND("&&") --> PIPE("|")
    AND --> REDIR(">")
    REDIR --> ECHO("echo name is saved")
    REDIR --> OUT("output.txt")

    PIPE --> CAT("cat")
    PIPE --> GREP("grep paul")

Our program steps through the commands, creating two branches at the most dominant operator. The most dominant operator is always the leftmost one, and the operators themselves are sorted in the following order:


This is also where parenthesis become important for the last time, because the parser actually removes them as part of his functionality, also incorporating them into the priority calculation. Without parenthesis, the image up above would instead look like this:

graph TD
    PIPE("|") --> CAT("cat")
    PIPE --> AND("&&")
    AND --> GREP("grep paul")
    AND --> REDIR(">")
    REDIR --> ECHO("echo name is saved")
    REDIR --> OUT("output.txt")

This is, of course, a considerable difference in logic.


Finally, execution!

This is, of course, where the magic happens - redirections get piped, file descriptors get shuffled around and return codes get retrieved and checked.

Lets just check what our command outputted:


This was outputted by the grep command - but what happened to output of the second echo call? It is now written into a file called out in the directory the command was executed.

name is saved written into out file.


Builtin Description Usage Example
echo Print text to the console. Use -n to not print newline. echo -n "Hello, World!"
cd Change the current directory. Supports ~, which will be replaced with your HOME directory, and -, which will return you to where you just were previously. cd /path/to/directory
pwd Print the path to the current working directory. pwd
export Set or export environment variables. export PATH=/bin GREETING=hiya
unset Remove environment variables. unset PATH GREETING
env List all environment variables. env
exit Exit the shell with the exit code given as an argument or 0. exit


There are 4 types of redirections.

To make them work, every node (each box in the parser diagram) saves an input and an output file descriptor. To redirct a file into a command, the program would open a file descriptor and set it as that commands input. We then initialize it as the commands input before executing the command.

  1. Standard input redirection <
    • e.g. sort < todos.txt
    • Redirects the contents of todos.txt to serve as input for sort
  2. Standard output redirection >
    • e.g. ./run_minishell_tests > out.txt
    • Writes the output of ./run_minishell_tests into out.txt - this may well be the most useful redirection for everyday tasks.
  3. Standard output append redirection >>
    • e.g. valgrind ./run_minishell_tests > out.txt
    • Appends the output of valgrind ./run_minishell_tests to out.txt without overwriting its previous contents
  4. Here Document (Heredoc)
    • e.g. cat << STOP


Heredoc (Here Document) allows you to enter a special mode in our shell that allows you to simulate a file in your command if you only need it once. For example, cat << STOP will allow you to enter lines until you begin a line with STOP. Then, the command will continue as if it was referencing a file - in this case, cat would print out whatever you previously typed.

command << DELIMITER
heredoc> line 1
heredoc> line 2
heredoc> line 3
heredoc> DELIMITER
command output with line 1 - 3 as input


Pipes are used to literally change the output file descriptor from the usual STDOUT_FILENO (1) and the input file descriptor from the usual STDIN_FILENO (0) of different commands to literally write into each other. ls -la | wc -l

ls -la -> INPUT: 0, OUTPUT 3;
wc -l -> INPUT: 4, OUTPUT: 1;

This is a super useful feature and can be used in a huge variety of ways. For example: cat file.txt | grep 'tomato' | sort

  1. cat file.txt -> This command outputs the contents of file.txt
  2. grep 'tomato' -> This command only outputs the lines of its input that contain the character sequence "tomato".
  3. sort -> This command takes its input and sorts the lines alphabetically.

In our implementation of pipes, we ensure that all these transformations happen efficiently and reliably, allowing you to chain as many commands as needed to achieve complex data processing tasks.

cat bigfile.txt | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -10


Usually, when pressing ctrl+C to send a SIGINT signal to a process, this process closes. But since bash instead decides to just close the currently running process inside of the shell, we shall do the same. There are three types of signals we handled in different ways:

  1. SIGINT (ctrl+c) -> Instead of quitting our shell, this will clear whatever process is happening right now and display a new line with a fresh prompt awaiting input.
  2. SIGQUIT (ctrl+\) -> This is usually used to quit the proces & do a core dump - but in our shell, it simply doesn't have any effect.
  3. EOF (ctrl-d) -> EOF or end of file signals the end of input - sending it will make our program close smoothly.

'Garbage Collector'

This is worth a note (as it may be a little confusing) - instead of enduring the headache of constantly tracking every single allocated thing at every point in the program, which we tried and it was not very fun as the program was pretty expansive, we made a simple list that keeps track of all dynamically allocated resources, freeing them whenever a command ends. The performance impact of this is minimal, but it greatly reduces the codes complexity.

I really liked this idea and will reuse it - next time, I may even make my own malloc function that immediately appends my resources to the garbage collector & does the malloc protection, making things a lot more simple.


Takeaways / What we learned

Minishell wasn't just about creating a pretty cool program, but it was most importantly our first major team effort - you can't make minishell alone. Signals be damned, this may be where we truly learned the most - when starting out, we were bad at communicating, just kind of "pushed that" without much thought, and in general, the merge conflict software was having a field day. In contrast, we were very well organized at the end - and I'm certain this will translate will into other projects we'll be working on collaboratively in the future. I have now fully decoded the previously somewhat elusive concept of branches, and am now wielding their full power in combination of the very nice GitHub issues system.

Something else we learned in quite the painful experience on the day we were initially planning to hand in the project was to maintain a top-notch-clean codebase from day 1 and at every step. Very often, we thought "it's fine, i'll write this once, we won't ever have to open this file again". You will. And it will be pain. For about 50% of our codebase, we never actually worked on making it 42-norminette-conformant, which we definitely should have. Rewriting half your codebase on the day you were planning to submit the project will definitely stab you in the back - which I very much realized, as I spent over 16 hours at school that day. (We ended up handing it in a day later.) I am now very happy with the state of the code - it is very clean and organized, I feel good leaving it in this state.

Beyond that, we obviously learned a ton about making a larger project & low level programming & debugging. I feel that especially for debugging we have developed a considerably larger toolchain - I'm a valgrind master now.

I'll remember this project forever - and while I'm happy I'm done with it and about to start on the C++ projects, I really did enjoy the process of making my own tiny shell with a questionable color scheme. What I've learned here is already invaluable in my next project.


Fun stuff to try


let's break stuff