The FUT Web App is a tool for people who like to play the latest FIFA games, specifically in the Ultimate Team game mode. This app will allow users to build and share teams with other users on the app. Teams are made up of players and each player has its own name, stats, nationality and club. All player data is updated and managed through the futdb API (
Users can go to a blank team sheet, select a formation, and individually add players by clicking an empty slot. Once completed, the team can be named and shared to other users on the app.
Users can easily filter through teams on the '/teams' route by selecting a dropdown box to filter by date, rating, price, etc. This feature allows users to gain inspiration from others and even copy/tweek existing teams.
Users can like or comment on teams made by the user or other users. This can provide feedback or compliments to the creator of the team. This can also improve the filtering tool by filtering for the most liked team or the most commented team.
Users can go to the '/players' route to search for specific players based on their name. This is simply done by typing a name into a text input box and submitting. Results will be sent back from the futdb API ( and will populate the page. The user can then click the players and be brought to their player page where they can view a more detailed breakdown of the player's stats and information.
This app was built with the Flask web framework and utilizes Postgres and SQLAlchemy to communicate with and maintain a database. The frontend is made with vanilla Javascript and jQuery. The majority of the styling for this website comes from themeforest's "BlockBuster - Film Review & Movie Database HTML Template" built by username: leehari.