FredyH / GWSockets

WebSockets for GLua
MIT License
87 stars 7 forks source link


WebSockets for GLua


Place either gmsv_gwsockets_win32.dll (Windows) or gmsv_gwsockets_linux.dll (Linux) into your GarrysMod/lua/bin folder. On windows you will require the Visual C++ Redistributable 2017, which you can find here.

NOTE: CentOS is currently not supported and appears to be having multiple issues. If you need the library to work on CentOS, compile it on CentOS using the instructions all the way at the bottom, but also replace the included ssl libraries with the ones provided by CentOS.

NOTE: Even though this module is mainly aimed at servers, it can also be used on clients. Just rename the module to gmcl_gwsockets_os and it will work on clientside as well.

You will also need to require the module in lua before you will be able to use it. You can do this running



Connecting to a socket server


local socket = GWSockets.createWebSocket("wss://")

function socket:onMessage(txt)
    print("Received: ", txt)

function socket:onError(txt)
    print("Error: ", txt)

-- We start writing only after being connected here. Technically this is not required as this library
-- just waits until the socket is connected before sending, but it's probably good practice
function socket:onConnected()
    print("Connected to echo server")
    -- Write Echo once every second, 10 times
    timer.Create("SocketWriteTimer", 1, 0, function()
        print("Writing: ", "Echo")
    timer.Simple(10, function()
        -- Even if some of the messages have not reached the other side yet, this type of close makes sure
        -- to only close the socket once all queued messages have been received by the peer.

function socket:onDisconnected()
    print("WebSocket disconnected")



Requires premake5.

Depending on your platform run one of the following commands to create a build script:

premake5 --os=windows --file=BuildProjects.lua vs2010    # Windows
premake5 --os=linux   --file=BuildProjects.lua gmake     # Linux
premake5 --os=macosx  --file=BuildProjects.lua gmake     # Mac

Then use the appropriate generated solution for your system in the solutions/ folder and build the project.


On Windows all you need to do is open the generated visual studio project and build the dll. All libraries and headers are provided already. If you wish to build the 64 bit version you just have to switch the build configuration to x64.


On linux only essential programs for building C++ programs are required. On Ubuntu 64-bit these are:

sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc-multilib g++-multilib

The required static libraries for linux are included in this repository to avoid library/header version mismatching, but feel free to use your OS' libraries instead.

To build the project simply run

make                           # x86
make config=release_x86_64     # x64

Possible Issues

This library uses OpenSSL built for Ubuntu, which sets the default search path for root certificates to the one Ubuntu uses. There is a possibility, that this path is different on other systems. In that case you will need to swap out the libssl.a and libcrypto.a provided in this repositor with the ones provided by your operating system.