Free-Computer-Science / curriculum

Courses, lessons and classes for the Free Computer Science Program
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Welcome to the FCS curriculum page!

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The curriculum is sorted out into 4 areas:

  1. Foundations This is information that every good developer should know. While your specific job may vary, having a good handle on these things will allow you to have a bredth of knowledge that most people expect out of software engineers.
  2. Core This is core information that you should at least be familiar with if you plan on working at a higher level than Junior and will be important should you work in a more complex field, or if you plan on going onto graduate schools.
  3. Functional Software engineering is related to computer science in the way that electricians are related to electrical engineers. This path will help you learn more of the art and day-to-day life of software engineering and basics of some of the systems and services you will use.
  4. Advanced These courses are for people who are interested in studying computer science at a higher level and want to get a graduate degree, but may not have the neccessary experience.