FreeCodeCampOKC / fccokc_web_legacy

Static Website cloned from codeforokc, for the Oklahoma City branch of Free Code Camp
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freeCodeCamp Oklahoma Website

A static website cloned from codeforokc, for the Oklahoma city branch of Free Code Camp. Our aim is to teach programming in; HTML, CSS and JavaScript for free. You can view the website here.

The team

Name Role
Alex Ayon Co-organizer
Chris Tse Co-organizer
Kimberly Collins Co-organizer
Matt Stubenhofer Contributor
Jason Carpenter Contributor


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

Code of Conduct

Our details the expectations that we have for all contributors. We value your participation and hope that by communicating these expectations widely we can all enjoy a harassment-free environment.
