FreeRDP / FreeRDP-WebConnect

A gateway for seamless access to your RDP-Sessions in any HTML5-compliant browser
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Possible to run in Linux? Connect to xRDP? How to install properly? #172

Open draker42 opened 6 years ago

draker42 commented 6 years ago

Hi, Has anyone been successful to run wsgate on any Linux? And to connect to xrdp? I have tried on CentOS-6 and Ubuntu-16.04, but although everything runs and there are no error messages, I cannot connect to anything. I thought I had success when the spinner went away, but no connection. I had to compile from source (git repo) on Ubuntu-16.04. There seems to be no installation method (or I could not figure it out -- where is the documentation?) I eventually installed everything manually, but I have no way to know if I did it right. Lots of copying from multiple sources, manually editing *.in files. What is the proper way to install? The '' script completes successfully but does NOT install wsgate. I read all the README files and online documentation I could find, but I must have missed it.

I also would like to know how to run behind a reverse proxy. I had come to the conclusion it was not possible, until I saw issues/170, which says "Of course you can", but gives no further detail. ("make sure that the ports you open coincide with the ones in the config file" -- what ports? I don't "open" any ports. There is a section in index.html "var wsBase = "%WSURI%";" which does not get set properly when behind a reverse proxy). I wish I could see a working example, but the public demo at is not functional. Help! Thank you, -D.

c64cosmin commented 6 years ago

@draker42 Hello FreeRDP-WebConnect was tested both on Windows and on Linux (the distributions that are included in the, always connecting to a Windows machine and it worked.

While I remember trying to build a FreeRDP server, I don't recall if FreeRDP-WebConnect worked, as FreeRDP client didn't work either. (Also tried with other FreeRDP based clients and also failed)

c64cosmin commented 6 years ago

@draker42 Hello About the reverse proxy this would be a great guide for NGINX, also change the wsgate.ini file accordingly