FreeRDP-WebConnect will be a gateway for seamless access to your RDP-Sessions in any HTML5-compliant browser. In particular it relies on the features
The server side WebSockets implementation handles current RFC6455 ( only, so browsers that implement the older drafts do not work. With RFC6455 being raised to the "Proposed Standard" level, this should change now really soon.
On the server side, a standalone daemon - written in C++ - provides a Web page via HTTPS (or HTTP, if configured) and uses FreeRDP libs to connect as a client to any RDP session.
Although the project is still in a very early development phase (project was started on April 3, 2012), it already can display an RDP session right now.
Automated build/install script::
Unattended install script
./ -f -i -d
For addition details on the setup script and webconnect prereqs consult wsgate/README.