FrendsPlatform / FrendsTemplates

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Frends Integration Process Templates

This repository contains a collection of process templates for the Frends integration platform. These templates are designed to provide a starting point for common integration scenarios, reducing the time and effort required to set up new integrations.

Each template includes a detailed description of its purpose, instructions for use, and a sample configuration. They are designed to be easily customizable to fit your specific integration needs.

Whether you're integrating databases, APIs, or other systems, these templates can help streamline your integration process on the Frends platform.


The templates are arranged by category and inside category by source system.

This means that if the template is transferring data from SAP ERP then it belongs to ERP folder and SAP subfolder.

Each template folder has the following files:

Metadata.json contents

  "name": "Excel to Gmail",
  "version": "1.0.1",
  "tags": [
  "additionalSystemsUsed": [

Please note that the metadata.json that will be packaged for Frends and Template portal will be different from the above metadata, because we will need to extract some data from template. This however will be done at build time, and the approximate final metadata will look approximately like this:

  "name": "Excel to Gmail",
  "version": "1.0.1",
  "tags": [
  "additionalSystemsUsed": [
  "tasks": [
  "downloadUrl": "xxx",
  "githubUrl": "yyy",  