FreshXOpenSource / node-ueye

Node.js Binding for IDS uEye Camera Library
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Unoffical Node.js Binding (ffi-based) for uEye Camera-Library from Imaging Development Systems GmbH

Notice: This module requires nodejs 4+. The examples use the ES6/generator pattern to simplify the excessive async code. You can read more about this pattern here. As wrapper we use the excellent co library, but any generator/promise wrapper could be used. All async methods return a ES6 Promise-object and you could also use the standard then/catch methodology.


const Camera = require('ueye');
const co = require('co');
const path = require('path');

const cam = new Camera();

co(function* () {
    console.log('Initialize cam');
    yield cam.init();

    const sensorInfo = yield cam.getSensorInfo();
    const maxImageSize = yield cam.getMaxImageSize(sensorInfo);
    console.log('MaxImageSize', maxImageSize);

    yield cam.setColorMode(cam.def.IS_CM_BGR8_PACKED);

    yield cam.aoiImageSetSize(maxImageSize);
    yield cam.setDisplayMode(cam.def.IS_SET_DM_DIB);

    const seq = yield cam.allocImageMem(maxImageSize, 24);
    yield cam.setImageMem(seq);

    console.log('New framerate:', yield cam.setFrameRate(3));

    console.log('Start capturing');
    yield cam.freezeVideo(cam.def.IS_WAIT);


    const res = yield cam.getImageMem();

    yield cam.imageFile({
        pwchFileName: path.join(__dirname, '../out/test.png'),
        nFileType: cam.def.IS_IMG_PNG,
        ppcImageMem: res.mem,
        nQuality: 0,

    yield cam.exit();
}).catch((ex) => {
    console.error('Exception:', ex);

    cam.exit().then(() => {


  $ npm install ueye


You can test the live performance of your ueye camera with the liveSDL example located in the examples folder.


You need to install the sdl2 system-libraries (including sdl2-image and sdl2-ttf) and the node-sdl2 npm package.

apt-get install libsdl2 libsdl2-image libsdl2-ttf # This may differ on your distro
npm install node-sdl2
node examples/liveSDL

bindings and defines

The ffi-bindings are directly accessible via the binding attribute of the Camera class. For many library functions exist a convenient wrapper-function. If not, you can access the functions directly via the binding attribute.

Let's implement a call to the native is_Saturation function:

const Camera = require('ueye');
const ref = require('ref');

const cam = new Camera();

cam.init().then(() => {
    const saturation = ref.alloc('int', 0);
    const minSaturation = ref.alloc('int', 0);
    const maxSaturation = ref.alloc('int', 0);

    let nRet = cam.binding.is_Saturation (cam.hCam, cam.def.SATURATION_CMD_GET_VALUE, saturation,;
    nRet = nRet || cam.binding.is_Saturation (cam.hCam, cam.def.SATURATION_CMD_GET_MIN_VALUE, minSaturation,;
    nRet = nRet || cam.binding.is_Saturation (cam.hCam, cam.def.SATURATION_CMD_GET_MAX_VALUE, maxSaturation,;

    console.log(`Saturation min/max/current (errcode): ${minSaturation.deref()}/${maxSaturation.deref()}/${saturation.deref()} (${nRet})`);

    cam.exit().then(() => {

Notice: The is_Saturation calls here are called in a synchronous manner. To call async use the ffi-async way: cam.binding.is_Saturation.async(...).