Frida010 / the-quiz-game

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Quiz Game

The Quiz game is a game were you can play a quiz game and learn more about codeing. The quiz has three questions in total and has three options per question. The questions are fun, and why not test your knowledge against friends? At the end of the game the user will get a score of how many points the person got in total and a choice to play again if wanted.

The Quiz game is targeted towards adults and children as a fun way to test your knowledge about coding

The website contains a header and a footer. The footer contains icons with links to social media and invites the user to interact.

Screenshot of the website on diffrent screen sizes


- Favicon

Screenshot of the favicon

- Header

Screenshot of the header

- The Quiz

Screenshot of the quiz area Screenshot of the quiz area with hower effect

Screenshot of the quiz area whit wrong answer selected

Screenshot of the score board at the end of the game

- Footer

Screenshot of the footer with social media links

Features left to implement


Screenshot of the lighthouse


Validator Testing


Unfixed bugs


The site was deployed to GitHub pages. The steps to deploy are as follows:

The live link can be found here - Quiz Game


