Fridaplatform / Frida-CLI

AI cli assistant for peer programming developed by Softtek innovation team.
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ai aiassistant cli command-line python

Frida CLI 💻

With Frida CLI, you can easily create documentation for all your project files in just a few clicks.

But that's not all – Frida CLI also features a chat function that allows you to communicate directly with your project files. Need to discuss a specific piece of code or clarify a section of documentation? Simply chat with your files in real-time for seamless collaboration. image

FridaCLI Setup and Executable Creation

Follow these steps to set up the project, install dependencies, and create a standalone executable file.

General Setup

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
  2. Access the path via terminal

    cd your-repository-folder
  3. Install all the packages in the requirements.txt (preferably in a venv)

    It is recommended to create and activate a virtual environment before installing the packages.

    # Create venv file (the ".venv" is just a name for the folder, if you change it the next command will need to start with the same name)
    python -m venv .venv
    # Initiate virtual environment
    # Install the dependencies
    pip install requirements.txt
  4. You can now manually run FridaCLI

    Just execute the main file ╰(°▽°)╯


Create the Executable

  1. Install PyInstaller

    Use the same virtual environment (if you used one)

    pip install pyinstaller
  2. Run the following command

    This command has everything needed for this project to be compiled into a .exe file.

    pyinstaller --onefile -p "C:\[CompleteThePath]\Frida-CLI\.venv\Lib\site-packages" --collect-submodules textual --hidden-import pinecone --add-data "C:\[CompleteThePath]\Frida-CLI\fridacli;fridacli" --add-data "C:\[CompleteThePath]\Frida-CLI\fridacli\gui\tcss\frida_styles.tcss;fridacli/gui/tcss" --collect-all pinecone --clean

    Don't forget to complete the Path with yours in [CompleteThePath] sections.

  3. Locate the executable

    After running the PyInstaller command, a folder named dist will be created in the repository directory. Inside this folder, you will find:

    • main.exe: The standalone executable file.
    • app.txt: The installation logs.

    Now, you can just double-click the executable file to run FridaCLI! (●'◡'●)

    Important Note: The executable works better using the new windows terminal, you can force it to execute with it using this command:

    start wt.exe -d "COMPLETE_PATH/main.exe"


    Some configuration is required to start working. First select the project you want to work on

image Secound write the LLMOPS key and the models you want to work on


Last if you want to excute python code you need to select the Python environment image

Create documentation

To document your file, follow these steps:

The following screen will appear:


You can configure various parameters, including:

Once the documentation process is completed the following window will appear:


If any errors are detected during the documentation process, they will be displayed along with the results. This ensures you can identify and address issues promptly, improving the overall accuracy and quality of the documentation.