# Description
The GPOTools module is designed to handle all things GPO.
As a special focus, it tries to manage migrations, backup & restore.
Compared to the built-in tools, its backup&restore capability also includes:
Install-Module GPOTools
# Backup ALL GPOs
Backup-GptPolicy -Path .
# Backup just the ones you want
Get-GPO -All | Where-Object $condition | Backup-GptPolicy -Path .
# Backup all policies that fit your desired name pattern
Backup-GptPolicy -Path . -Name 'SEC-*'
# Restore everything
Restore-GptPolicy -Path .
# Restore just those policies you care about
Restore-GptPolicy -Path . -Name 'SEC-*', 'Client-*'
# Restore while mapping groups from the source domain to different groups in the destination domain
Restore-GptPolicy -Path . -IdentityMapping @{
'S-D-FileServerAdmins' = 'SD1-FSAdmins'