FriendofAI / LM_Chat_TTS_FrontEnd.html

LM_Chat_TTS_FrontEnd is a simple yet powerful interface for interacting with LM Studio models using text-to-speech functionality. This project is designed to be lightweight and user-friendly, making it suitable for a wide range of users interested in exploring voice interactions with AI models.
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About: LM_Chat_TTS_FrontEnd is a simple yet powerful interface for interacting with LM Studio models using text-to-speech functionality. This project is designed to be lightweight and user-friendly, making it suitable for a wide range of users interested in exploring voice interactions with AI models.

LM_Chat_TTS_FrontEnd is a simple yet powerful interface for interacting with LM Studio models using text-to-speech functionality. This project is designed to be lightweight and user-friendly, making it suitable for a wide range of users interested in exploring voice interactions with AI models.



Installation and Setup

  1. Clone the Repository: Download the files from the GitHub repository.
  2. Start LM Studio Local Server: Ensure LM Studio is running locally on your machine.
  3. Open the HTML File: Use a web browser, preferably Edge, to open the HTML file.


Configuration Options

Additional Features



Contributions to LM_Chat_TTS_FrontEnd are welcome. Please follow the standard fork-and-pull request workflow. Do not forget to update tests and documentation as necessary.


This project is released under [specify license], which allows for wide usage and contributions while maintaining the necessary legal protections.

Created by: Friend of AI